Monday, February 27, 2012

Great Internet Firewall Glitch Allows Thousands of Chinese People Onto Obama?s Google+ Page and Express Frustration with Oppression

Posted by Solomon Kleinsmith on Sunday, February 26, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Not sure how to feel about this? inspired that they would take the risk of posting this through the glitch, or depressed at what they express in their frustration. Both.

From Physorg:

On Sunday,?Google+ appeared to be available in China on some people?s mobile devices?but not on fixed computers ? a fact confirmed by some netizens on Obama?s page.

Others in China, however, were still unable to access the site, which remained blocked on their mobiles along with Facebook,?Twitter?and YouTube.

Some netizens urged Obama to help free activists such as blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng, who is currently under?house arrest, or Liu Xiaobo, the jailedNobel Peace Prize?winner.


?Many people don?t understand the meaning why all Chinese are coming here. We envy American people their democracy and freedom!? one netizen said in English under Obama?s latest posting about his campaign?s bumper stickers.

The comments centre on freedom of expression and human rights, as well as more mundane issues such as how to get US green cards.

?We are not barbaric people, we are just suppressed,? one netizen wrote, while others called on the US president to ?come and liberate China?.

Our country certainly has some serious problems, but we?re amazingly lucky to be living here, in this country, at this point in history.

Read on at Physorg ?


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