Thursday, May 23, 2013

Warrior Web from DARPA aims to boost muscles, reduce fatigue and injury (video)

Warrior Web from DARPA aims to augment soldier's muscles to reduce fatigue and injury video

The US military's dabbled with full-on robotic suits in the past, but it's now looking at a less convoluted, more energy-efficient approach. A project called Warrior Web from DARPA aims to enhance soldier carrying capacity and minimize injuries by distributing loads better, providing better joint support and "reapply(ing) energy to enhance motion." Such a suit would be equipped with sensors to detect forces, and be able to fit beneath existing uniforms while consuming only 100W of juice. The US Army has nearly completed five months of prototype testing using a multi-camera motion capture system (see the video after the break) to develop critical tech. The next step will be to design and fabricate a suit ready for real-world testing, which should happen in the fall -- assuming the program keeps its footing.

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Source: DARPA


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It?s official: Samsung?s Galaxy S4 is the fastest-selling Android phone ever

Galaxy S4 Sales

We all expected Samsung to reach its goal of selling 10 million Galaxy S4 smartphones into distribution channels within the phone?s first month of availability. An unnamed Samsung executive confirmed last week that shipments had reached 6 million units in two weeks following the phone?s launch, and now Samsung is on record confirming that global channel sales of the Galaxy S4 have reached 10 million units.

[More from BGR: Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4: PS4 wins on specs]

?On behalf of Samsung, I would like to thank the millions of customers around the world who have chosen the Samsung GALAXY S4. At Samsung we?ll continue to pursue innovation inspired by and for people,? Samsung?s mobile boss JK Shin said in a statement.

[More from BGR: Video: Infinity Ward shows how Call of Duty: Ghost will be its most realistic, immersive game yet]

Samsung?s Galaxy S III previously held the title of fastest-selling Android phone when shipments reached 10 million in just under two months.

BGR recently took a closer look at the Samsung Galaxy S4 and while it is obviously the smartphone to beat in 2013, Samsung is quickly becoming a jack of all trades, master of none?as it focuses on gimmicky features instead of rolling out key services that will lock customers in for years to come.

Samsung?s full press release follows below.

Samsung GALAXY S4 Hits 10 Million Milestone in First Month

(SEOUL?Korea Newswire) May 23, 2013 ? Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced that global channel sales of its GALAXY S4, a life companion for a richer, fuller, simpler life, has surpassed 10 million units sold in less than one month after its commercial debut. Launched globally on April 27, the phone is estimated to be selling at a rate of four units per second.

The GALAXY S4 sets a new record for Samsung, generating sales quicker than any of its predecessors. Sales of the GALAXY S III reached the 10-million mark 50 days after its launch in 2012, while the GALAXY S II took five months and the GALAXY S seven months to reach the same milestone.

?On behalf of Samsung, I would like to thank the millions of customers around the world who have chosen the Samsung GALAXY S4. At Samsung we?ll continue to pursue innovation inspired by and for people,? said JK Shin, CEO and President of the IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics.

The GALAXY S4 was developed to enhance the meaningful moments in our lives through its innovative features and superior hardware. It has the world?s first Full HD Super AMOLED display that showcases images at their very best on a 5-inch screen with 441ppi. Equipped with a powerful rear 13MP camera, the GALAXY S4 also boasts a Dual Camera function that allows simultaneous use of both front and rear cameras. The GALAXY S4?s new and innovative software features include Air View and Air Gesture for effortless tasks, while it also keeps users up-to-date with information about their health and wellbeing using S Health.

Samsung GALAXY S4 is available in more than 110 countries and will gradually be rolled out to a total of 155 countries in cooperation with 327 partners.

Samsung is planning to introduce more color variations to meet various consumer tastes and preferences. In addition to the currently available White Mist and Black Forest, new color iterations will be added this summer, including Blue Arctic and Red Aurora, followed by Purple Mirage and Brown Autumn.

This article was originally published on


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Early removal of adenoids and tonsils can help pediatric sleep apnea symptoms

Early removal of adenoids and tonsils can help pediatric sleep apnea symptoms [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-May-2013
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Contact: Tom Langford
Brigham and Women's Hospital

However, early removal fails to improve short term cognitive functioning

Boston Adenotonsillectomy, or the removal of the adenoids and tonsils, is performed 500,000 times a year in the United States, often as a treatment for children with obstructive sleep apnea. However, the procedure's ability to improve a child's attention and executive functioning, behavior, sleep apnea symptoms, and quality of life has not been rigorously evaluated until now. A study led by Susan Redline, MD, MPH, director of the Program in Sleep and Cardiovascular Medicine and Associate Clinic Director of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital finds that early adenotonsillectomy in children with mild to moderately severe sleep apnea does not improve attention and executive functioning when compared to watchful waiting with supportive care. However, the study also found that early adenotonsillectomy can be beneficial in improving behavior, sleep apnea symptoms and quality of life. The research will be presented at the American Thoracic Society's International Conference and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 21.

"This new evidence should be carefully considered by physicians and parents who are deciding on the best approach for a child's sleep apnea problem," said Dr. Redline. "Our study provided evidence that surgical treatment can lead to early improvements in many health-related areas of importance to children and their families, including children's behavior. Beneficial effects of surgery were shown even among overweight children, in whom the effectiveness of surgery has been questioned. However, the study also showed that many times sleep apnea resolved without surgery and that cognitive functioning did not improve more with surgery than with medical management. Thus, watchful waiting is also a reasonable option for some children with sleep apnea without many symptoms."

The study, which was conducted in partnership with eight other institutions, examined 397 children between the ages of five and nine who had obstructive sleep apnea syndrome without prolonged levels of low oxygen. The children were randomly placed in two groups. One hundred and ninety-four children had their adenoids and tonsils removed within four weeks of being randomized to the study. The remaining 203 children underwent watchful waiting with supportive care to see if their sleep apnea symptoms resolved without surgery.

Seven months later, both groups of children underwent the Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment, which showed no significant difference between the groups in the improvement of attention and executive functioning. However, other tests, including assessments by parents and teachers, showed significant improvements in the quality of life, sleep apnea symptoms and behavior in the children who had the early adenotonsillectomy.


Brigham and Women's Hospital served as the scientific coordinating and central sleep reading center for this study. The study's first author, Carole L. Marcus, M.D., is a sleep specialist and director of the Sleep Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

The research was supported by grant numbers HL083075, HL083129, UL1 RR024134 and UL1 RR024989 from the National Institute of Health.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Early removal of adenoids and tonsils can help pediatric sleep apnea symptoms [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-May-2013
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Contact: Tom Langford
Brigham and Women's Hospital

However, early removal fails to improve short term cognitive functioning

Boston Adenotonsillectomy, or the removal of the adenoids and tonsils, is performed 500,000 times a year in the United States, often as a treatment for children with obstructive sleep apnea. However, the procedure's ability to improve a child's attention and executive functioning, behavior, sleep apnea symptoms, and quality of life has not been rigorously evaluated until now. A study led by Susan Redline, MD, MPH, director of the Program in Sleep and Cardiovascular Medicine and Associate Clinic Director of the Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital finds that early adenotonsillectomy in children with mild to moderately severe sleep apnea does not improve attention and executive functioning when compared to watchful waiting with supportive care. However, the study also found that early adenotonsillectomy can be beneficial in improving behavior, sleep apnea symptoms and quality of life. The research will be presented at the American Thoracic Society's International Conference and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 21.

"This new evidence should be carefully considered by physicians and parents who are deciding on the best approach for a child's sleep apnea problem," said Dr. Redline. "Our study provided evidence that surgical treatment can lead to early improvements in many health-related areas of importance to children and their families, including children's behavior. Beneficial effects of surgery were shown even among overweight children, in whom the effectiveness of surgery has been questioned. However, the study also showed that many times sleep apnea resolved without surgery and that cognitive functioning did not improve more with surgery than with medical management. Thus, watchful waiting is also a reasonable option for some children with sleep apnea without many symptoms."

The study, which was conducted in partnership with eight other institutions, examined 397 children between the ages of five and nine who had obstructive sleep apnea syndrome without prolonged levels of low oxygen. The children were randomly placed in two groups. One hundred and ninety-four children had their adenoids and tonsils removed within four weeks of being randomized to the study. The remaining 203 children underwent watchful waiting with supportive care to see if their sleep apnea symptoms resolved without surgery.

Seven months later, both groups of children underwent the Developmental NEuroPSYchological Assessment, which showed no significant difference between the groups in the improvement of attention and executive functioning. However, other tests, including assessments by parents and teachers, showed significant improvements in the quality of life, sleep apnea symptoms and behavior in the children who had the early adenotonsillectomy.


Brigham and Women's Hospital served as the scientific coordinating and central sleep reading center for this study. The study's first author, Carole L. Marcus, M.D., is a sleep specialist and director of the Sleep Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

The research was supported by grant numbers HL083075, HL083129, UL1 RR024134 and UL1 RR024989 from the National Institute of Health.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Adoption of 'unwanted' cats inspires Navy couple to help people in ...

A?bonded pair?of unwanted, senior cats are lucky to be alive, thanks to a pair of Navy veterans who adopted them after finding their empty nest a bit too empty. The experience turned out to be a catalyst in their lives, motivating them to help people who often live on the fringes of society.?Sonja and Bear

An?OIF/OEF?Navy veteran comes home

Kathy and her husband, Jim, are both retired from the Navy. Collectively they served nearly thirty years, including overseas tours in Bermuda, Iceland, Wales and?Pakistan, the latter of which holds one of Kathy?s most memorable experiences.

?My short time in Pakistan was a great moment in my career,? she explains. ?Seeing the United States government work with a challenging country and being exposed to the highest levels of government was exciting, not to mention a phenomenal learning experience.?

Another memorable experience was her time aboard the?USS?HARRY?S?TRUMAN?during a deployment to the Gulf.

?Knowing I was part of something bigger than myself ? that was a very humbling and awesome experience,? she says.

Kathy?s first twenty years of service were devoted to maritime intelligence within the?Integrated Undersea Surveillance System,?searching for submarines. She shifted into the?Information Dominance Corps?as an Information Professional, which allowed her the opportunity to go to sea.

?I was blessed to have been assigned to two incredible Carrier Strike Group Staffs,? she says proudly, ?and lucky enough to deploy in support of?Operation Iraqi Freedom?and then?Operation Enduring Freedom.?

A gift from the heart

Kathy had cats during most of her military career. Having them around reminded her of her years growing up, when her family adopted cats and dogs from their local shelter. But between?deployments?and one cat suffering from?separation anxiety, Kathy felt she had no choice but to relinquish her two beloved cats to her son.

Once the Navy veteran and her husband retired from service, it was clear something was missing from their lives; the house felt so empty. Jim had the cure: he gave his wife a gift certificate to the local animal shelter.

?What a wonderful gift,? she says. ?Truly from the heart!?

Like many adopters, the Navy couple intended to adopt kittens, until the staff at the?Norfolk Animal Care and Adoption Center?told them about Pets for Patriots. To be eligible for the?many benefits?of the charitable program ? including discounted veterinary care and contributions from their Veterans? Pet Food Bank Program ? Kathy and Jim would need to adopt an?older pet, or one with special needs. They loved what Pets for Patriots represented, and loved knowing they could give a good home to older, unwanted animals that might never be adopted.

Kathy applied immediately.

Two senior cats are twice as nice

During their visit to the shelter, a volunteer showed the couple two nine year-old cats, Sonja and Bear. They were known as a bonded pair, having grown up together as brother and sister. The two cats had to be adopted together, but most people wouldn?t adopt either of them because of their age.

Then came the picture that changed everything: a picture of Sonja and Bear snuggling together. Kathy and her husband were smitten.?Bear and Sonja

Although the two cats grew up together, they have very different personalities: Sonja, very soft and very loving and Bear, scared and unwilling to be held. Regardless of his standoffishness, Kathy knew that Bear and Sonja were the ones.

?What I love most about Bear is his love toward his sister, Sonja,? Kathy says. ?He?s very protective over her, as well as over me.?

Now home with the Navy couple, Bear is always at the ready to whip out his alpha maleness whenever a perceived threat appears. Still, he shows total trust when he stretches his body out long beside Kathy or lays on his back in the sun.

Older might be better

Pets for Patriots changed Kathy?s perceptions about adopting an older animal. These days, she and Jim are happy to spread the word about the non-profit organization.

?My husband and I tell all our veteran friends about?Pets for Patriots,??Kathy says. ?Pets for Patriots opened our eyes to the possibility of love for what some would term ?unwanted? animals. We were proud to open our home to older animals.??Kathy and Bear

The Navy couple?s humanity doesn?t stop there, however, and she credits the nationwide charity for that, as well.

?This program,? she says, ?single-handedly allowed us to open our eyes and hearts to ?unwanted? people as well, and our donations and time are expanding to reach both.?

How has your pet helped you open your heart to others?


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Xbox One Makes The Console Gaming Experience Less Lonely

Xbox One SocialGaming has evolved from single-player to head-to-head to massively multiplayer, but also retreated from public arcades to isolated homes. Today's launch of the Xbox One makes the whole console experience social, not just the gaming itself. You'll still be battling other humans, but how you communicate with other gamers and choose what to play is about to change.


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Not just blowing in the wind: Compressing air for renewable energy storage

May 20, 2013 ? Enough Northwest wind energy to power about 85,000 homes each month could be stored in porous rocks deep underground for later use, according to a new, comprehensive study. Researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Bonneville Power Administration identified two unique methods for this energy storage approach and two eastern Washington locations to put them into practice.

Compressed air energy storage plants could help save the region's abundant wind power -- which is often produced at night when winds are strong and energy demand is low -- for later, when demand is high and power supplies are more strained. These plants can also switch between energy storage and power generation within minutes, providing flexibility to balance the region's highly variable wind energy generation throughout the day.

"With Renewable Portfolio Standards requiring states to have as much as 20 or 30 percent of their electricity come from variable sources such as wind and the sun, compressed air energy storage plants can play a valuable role in helping manage and integrate renewable power onto the Northwest's electric grid," said Steve Knudsen, who managed the study for the BPA.

Geologic energy savings accounts

All compressed air energy storage plants work under the same basic premise. When power is abundant, it's drawn from the electric grid and used to power a large air compressor, which pushes pressurized air into an underground geologic storage structure. Later, when power demand is high, the stored air is released back up to the surface, where it is heated and rushes through turbines to generate electricity. Compressed air energy storage plants can re-generate as much as 80 percent of the electricity they take in.

The world's two existing compressed air energy storage plants -- one in Alabama, the other in Germany -- use human-made salt caverns to store excess electricity. The PNNL-BPA study examined a different approach: using natural, porous rock reservoirs that are deep underground to store renewable energy.

Interest in the technology has increased greatly in the past decade as utilities and others seek better ways to integrate renewable energy onto the power grid. About 13 percent, or nearly 8,600 megawatts, of the Northwest's power supply comes from of wind. This prompted BPA and PNNL to investigate whether the technology could be used in the Northwest.

To find potential sites, the research team reviewed the Columbia Plateau Province, a thick layer of volcanic basalt rock that covers much of the region. The team looked for underground basalt reservoirs that were at least 1,500 feet deep, 30 feet thick and close to high-voltage transmission lines, among other criteria.

They then examined public data from wells drilled for gas exploration or research at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington. Well data was plugged into PNNL's STOMP computer model, which simulates the movement of fluids below ground, to determine how much air the various sites under consideration could reliably hold and return to the surface.

Two different, complementary designs

Analysis identified two particularly promising locations in eastern Washington. One location, dubbed the Columbia Hills Site, is just north of Boardman, Ore., on the Washington side of the Columbia River. The second, called the Yakima Minerals Site, is about 10 miles north of Selah, Wash., in an area called the Yakima Canyon.

But the research team determined the two sites are suitable for two very different kinds of compressed air energy storage facilities. The Columbia Hills Site could access a nearby natural gas pipeline, making it a good fit for a conventional compressed air energy facility. Such a conventional facility would burn a small amount of natural gas to heat compressed air that's released from underground storage. The heated air would then generate more than twice the power than a typical natural gas power plant.

The Yakima Minerals Site, however, doesn't have easy access to natural gas. So the research team devised a different kind of compressed air energy storage facility: one that uses geothermal energy. This hybrid facility would extract geothermal heat from deep underground to power a chiller that would cool the facility's air compressors, making them more efficient. Geothermal energy would also re-heat the air as it returns to the surface.

"Combining geothermal energy with compressed air energy storage is a creative concept that was developed to tackle engineering issues at the Yakima Minerals Site," said PNNL Laboratory Fellow and project leader Pete McGrail. "Our hybrid facility concept significantly expands geothermal energy beyond its traditional use as a renewable baseload power generation technology."

The study indicates both facilities could provide energy storage during extended periods of time. This could especially help the Northwest during the spring, when sometimes there is more wind and hydroelectric power than the region can absorb. The combination of heavy runoff from melting snow and a large amount of wind, which often blows at night when demand for electricity is low, can spike power production in the region. Power system managers have a few options to keep the regional power grid stable in such a situation, including reducing power generation or storing the excess power supply. Energy storage technologies such as compressed air energy storage can help the region make the most of its excess clean energy production.

Working with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, BPA will now use the performance and economic data from the study to perform an in-depth analysis of the net benefits compressed air energy storage could bring to the Pacific Northwest. The results could be used by one or more regional utilities to develop a commercial compressed air energy storage demonstration project.

The $790,000 joint feasibility study was funded by BPA's Technology Innovation Office, PNNL and several project partners: Seattle City Light, Washington State University Tri-Cities, GreenFire Energy, Snohomish County Public Utility District, Dresser-Rand, Puget Sound Energy, Ramgen Power Systems, NW Natural, Magnum Energy and Portland General Electric.

REFRENCE: BP McGrail, JE Cabe, CL Davidson, FS Knudsen, DH Bacon, MD Bearden, MA Chamness, JA Horner, SP Reidel, HT Schaef, FA Spane, PD Thorne, "Techno-economic Performance Evaluation of Compressed Air Energy Storage in the Pacific Northwest," February 2013,


Columbia Hills Site

? Location: north of Boardman, Ore., on Washington side of Columbia River

? Plant type: Conventional, which pairs compressed air storage with a natural gas power plant.

? Power generation capacity: 207 megawatts

? Energy storage capacity: 231 megawatts

? Estimated levelized power cost: as low as 6.4 cents per kilowatt-hour

? Would work well for frequent energy storage

? Continuous storage for up to 40 days

Yakima Minerals Site

? Location: 10 miles north of Selah, Wash.

? Plant type: Hybrid, which pairs geothermal heat with compressed air storage

? Power generation capacity: 83 megawatts

? Energy storage capacity: 150 megawatts

? Estimated levelized power cost: as low as 11.8 cents per kilowatt-hour

? No greenhouse gas emissions

? Potential for future expansion


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5 dead, 20 missing in China factory explosion

BEIJING (AP) -- A massive blast ripped through an explosives factory Monday in eastern China, killing five people and leaving another 20 missing, state media reported.

Rescue work was continuing at the site of the mid-morning explosion in Shandong province's Caofan township, the Xinhua News Agency said. The company website said the factory run by the Baoli group manufactures 10,000 tons of industrial explosives annually.

A total of 34 people were inside the factory at the time of the blast, and only 14 of them have been found so far, including those that died, Xinhua said. The cause of the blast and condition of the nine survivors were not known.

A government spokesman for the surrounding city of Zhangqiu said a full accounting of the dead and injured was being compiled and would be released. Like many Chinese bureaucrats, he would only give his surname, Cao.

China has sought to tighten access to explosives used for quarrying following a series of attacks by people using homemade bombs. However, safety rules are often ignored and industrial accidents remain common.


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fatherhood as legitimate identity shared by specific - happy father's ...

happy father's day

Fatherhood as legitimate identity shared by specific ? happy father?s day

Fatherhood as legitimate identity shared by specific men and their children can be dependent on domestic factors and behaviors. For example, a study of the relationship between fathers, their sons, and home computers found that the construction of fatherhood and masculinity required fathers display computer expertise

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Sing us the song of the century, that?s louder than violent mortality (Unqualified Offerings)

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Sunday, May 19, 2013


TSX rises as gold miners lone sore spot

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada's main stock index rose on Friday as robust economic data helped drive gains in energy stocks and financial shares, offsetting weakness in gold producers. The materials sector, a major component of the S&P/TSX composite which includes gold miners, was the lone sector to finish in the red of ten main sectors, as the price of gold fell for a seventh straight session.

Google's wearable Glass gadget: cool or creepy?

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google staged four discussions expounding on the finer points of its "Glass" wearable computer during this week's developer conference. Missing from the agenda, however, was a session on etiquette when using the recording-capable gadget, which some attendees faithfully wore everywhere - including to the crowded bathrooms. Google Glass, a cross between a mobile computer and eyeglasses that can both record video and surf the Internet, is now available to a select few but is already among the year's most buzz-worthy new gadgets. The device has geeks all aflutter but is unnerving everyone from lawmakers to casino operators worried about the potential for hitherto unimagined privacy and policy violations.

New Xbox more than a game console for Microsoft

SAN FRANCISCO/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is set to make a splash this week with the eagerly awaited unveiling of its new Xbox game console, eight years after the last version, as it seeks a larger share of the $65 billion a year global computer gaming industry. But the small device faces some big competition from the PlayStation 4 by Sony Corp and the Wii U by Nintendo Co Ltd in a shifting market.

Exclusive: Onex fails to find buyer for Carestream Health

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Onex Corp has called off its auction of medical imaging firm Carestream Health Inc after failing to find a buyer that was willing to meet its price expectation of as much as $3.5 billion, three people familiar with the matter said this week. Bain Capital LLC, the last remaining private equity firm that was talking to Onex about a possible deal, dropped out of the auction this week, the people said. Another interested party, Thomas H. Lee Partners LP, exited the process earlier, they added.

China deal ends distraction, but not questions, for Caterpillar

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Caterpillar Inc's deal to cut the purchase price of a Chinese mining-equipment maker it bought last year ends an embarrassing episode that overshadowed the company's effort to expand in China and distracted its executives for months. Now, analysts say, comes the hard part: Proving to investors that ERA Mining Machinery, the Chinese maker of hydraulic roof supports that Caterpillar purchased, really can help penetrate China's huge underground mining market.

Oil price probe widens, senator wants Justice Department help

LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A European probe into possible oil price manipulation expanded with the investigation of a small niche trading house in the Netherlands, while a key U.S. senator on Friday called for the Justice Department to join the investigation. Dutch trading house Argos Energies, a mid-sized trading company that deals in physical oil products and owns storage facilities, was visited by inspectors from the European Commission on Tuesday, a source familiar with the investigation said on Friday.

Exclusive: EU cites Chinese telecoms Huawei and ZTE for trade violations

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Europe's top trade official for the first time late on Friday officially cited Chinese mobile telecommunications equipment makers Huawei and ZTE Corp for violating anti-dumping and anti-subsidy guidelines. European Union Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said he was prepared to launch a formal investigation into anti-competitive behavior by these Chinese companies in order to protect a "strategic" sector of Europe's economy.

SAC Capital won't fully cooperate with government: letter

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Steven A. Cohen's hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors told investors on Friday it would no longer cooperate "unconditionally" with the U.S. government's insider trading investigation. In a brief letter to investors, the $15 billion hedge fund did not elaborate but said it believes the next few months will be critical in the investigation.

Canada April inflation well under forecast, Bank of Canada range

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Cheaper gasoline and cars helped Canada's annual inflation rate fall dramatically in April to 0.4 percent from 1.0 percent in March - its lowest rate since 0.1 percent in October 2009, below expectations and well outside the Bank of Canada's target range of 1 to 3 percent. The data released by Statistics Canada on Friday depressed the Canadian dollar sharply and boosted bond prices, as the market figured it made any interest rate by the Bank of Canada even less likely than before.

Transocean chairman voted out, Icahn dividend plan rejected

ZUG, Switzerland (Reuters) - Transocean Ltd shareholders voted out Chairman Michael Talbert at the annual meeting on Friday and backed a nominee of activist investor Carl Icahn to replace him on the board of the world's largest offshore drilling contractor. But shareholders rejected Icahn's proposed $4-per-share dividend and opted instead for the board-supported payout of $2.24 per share, the Switzerland-based company said.


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Honey, I shrunk the deficit! (video) (Americablog)

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Suspected US drone in Yemen kills 4 militants

SANAA, Yemen (AP) ? A suspected U.S. drone strike killed four al-Qaida militants Saturday in a southern Yemeni province once overrun by the group, according to security officials.

The officials said the attack took place around dawn in an area called Deyqa in Abyan province. Officials spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to brief the media.

Yemeni forces battled al-Qaida in Abyan province last year, routing militants from major cities that al-Qaida had briefly ruled during the country's 2011 political turmoil. The militants fled to surrounding mountainous areas after Yemen's military, assisted by the United States, forced them to retreat.

According to several research groups and The Associated Press's own reporting, there has been a dramatic rise in such drone strikes in Yemen since the country's new U.S.-backed president assumed power early last year.

Washington says al-Qaida in Yemen is among the group's most dangerous and active branches worldwide.

The U.S. Ambassador to Yemen, Gerald Feierstein, met Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Saturday. Earlier this week, President Barack Obama extended an executive decision warning supporters of the country's former longtime ruler ? ousted after more than three decades in power by protests ? to stop hampering the political process or face having their assets frozen.

Hadi also told Yemeni state TV Saturday that tampering of the country's military jets over the past year is the work of either al-Qaida or those wanting to sabotage the army, a reference to supporters of Saleh still in government and security posts.

He vowed an investigation into the incidents.

Seven military aircraft have been sabotaged while still on the ground, including at least two that were torched.

Additionally, just five days ago a military plane on a training exercise exploded in midair over the country's capital, killing the pilot. It was the third such jet crash since Hadi took power.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Funeral home has bicycle hearse for 1 last ride

(AP) ? An Oregon funeral home in Eugene offers natural burials where the ride to the person's final resting place is on the back of a three-wheeled bicycle.

Sunset Hills Cemetery and Funeral Home director Wade Lind says he got the idea from bikers and designed the pedal-powered hearse himself. It has an electric motor to give him a little help hauling the casket.

KVAL reports ( ) Lind has bicycled five bodies so far and there's a waiting list for the service. The ride and a bamboo casket that looks like a basket costs about $3,500.


Information from: KVAL-TV,


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Flesh-eating disease victim gets prosthetic hands

ATLANTA (AP) ? A metro Atlanta woman who lost both hands, her left leg and right foot after contracting a flesh-eating disease was on her way back from Ohio Friday after being fitted with prosthetic hands.

Aimee Copeland, 25, is returning from Hilliard, Ohio, where she was fitted with a pair of "bionic" hands with 24 programmable functions that will improve her dexterity, her father, Andy, told the Associated Press.

Copeland, of Snellville, contracted a rare infection called necrotizing fasciitis in May 2012 after falling from a zip line and gashing her leg. She spent two months at the Shepherd Center, a rehabilitation clinic in Atlanta, learning to move, eat and bathe without prosthetics.

She spent part of the week at Touch Bionics being fitted for the prosthetic hands that her father says will be controlled by her muscle movements and arm positions.

"All four days she sent us videos of things she could do," Copeland said. "The second day she was moving water between cups. On the third day she was cutting a cucumber. On the fourth day she was doing more typical things, like applying makeup to her face and more personal things."

Copeland said the hands were given to Aimee in exchange for her serving as a Touch Bionics ambassador. He said Aimee is likely to begin looking for a prosthetic leg with a computer-controlled knee joint to allow for more natural movement than a mechanical one.

"I just really look forward to her regaining her confidence about certain things she's been unable to do," Copeland said, "Really I just want to see her enjoying life the way that she should."

Among other things, Copeland said, the prosthetic hands will help his daughter learn to prepare meals from scratch, which she enjoyed doing before the amputations.


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VIP Access: Eli Roth talks Aftershock Pt. 2

In the first screening of the Rotten Tomatoes VIP Access Series, Eli Roth joins Matt Atchity and Grae Drake in front of a live audience to discuss his latest film Aftershock, which he co-wrote, produced, and acts in.

In the second part of this three part series, Eli talks technical details and answers more questions from the live audience.

Warning: Contains some spoilers.

Click here to watch more video interviews


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10 Things to Know for Friday

A car is seen in a damaged home after Wednesday's tornado in Cleburne, Texas on Thursday, May 16, 2013. Ten tornadoes touched down in several small communities in Texas overnight, leaving at least six people dead, dozens injured and hundreds homeless. Emergency responders were still searching for missing people Thursday afternoon. (AP Photo/Ron Russek II)

A car is seen in a damaged home after Wednesday's tornado in Cleburne, Texas on Thursday, May 16, 2013. Ten tornadoes touched down in several small communities in Texas overnight, leaving at least six people dead, dozens injured and hundreds homeless. Emergency responders were still searching for missing people Thursday afternoon. (AP Photo/Ron Russek II)

Samantha Alexander, sister of murder victim Travis Alexander, makes her "victim impact statement" to the jury on Thursday, May 16, 2013, during the penalty phase of the Jodi Arias trial at Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix. Jodi Arias was convicted of first-degree murder in the stabbing and shooting to death of Travis Alexander, 30, in his suburban Phoenix home in June 2008. (AP Photo/The Arizona Republic, Rob Schumacher, Pool)

FILE - This combo of file photos shows England soccer star David Beckham's various hairstyles. The 38-year-old midfielder is retiring from soccer, ending a career in which he transcended the sport with forays into fashion and a marriage to a pop star that made him a global celebrity. (AP Photo/File)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Friday:


Obama picks a senior White House budget official to run the IRS; a leader of the division under scrutiny announces his retirement.


A government watchdog says some in the witness protection program weren't on no-fly lists.


Travis Alexander's family gave emotional testimony about how their lives were ripped apart by his killing.


Six are dead and emergency responders search for more missing after 10 tornadoes touch down in several small Texas communities


President Barack Obama says military leaders have told him they are "ashamed" of their failure to end sexual abuse in the armed services.


As the military prepares to court-martial Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales in the killing of 16 civilians, a widow tells AP reporter Kathy Gannon how her husband was killed.


American Airlines says people with just a bag ? rolling suitcases not included ? will be allowed to board flights before most other passengers.


Albuquerque mother chases down man witnesses say abducted her daughter; he flees on foot after she rams his car, but is later arrested.


David Beckham has the right to purchase an expansion team in Major League Soccer, an option he has said he intends to exercise.


Vocal powerhouse Candice Glover bested country singer Kree Harrison to win the 12th edition of the contest and a record deal..

Associated Press


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Nico Rosberg hopes to get good result in 2013 Monaco Grand Prix ...

Nico Rosberg hopes to get good result in 2013 Monaco Grand Prix ? Formula 1 news

Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg has said that he is hoping to attain good result in the 2013 Monaco Grand Prix which is going to be held at Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo on May 26.

Rosberg performed amazingly well in the 2012 Monaco GP and secured an impressive second podium finish after taking a start from 2nd?grid slot. Although, he has faced some reliability issues in a couple of races in this season, but he is positively looking forward to perform well in the forthcoming race and is aiming to secure another good result in Monte Carlo.

?The surroundings definitely make Monaco the coolest track on the calendar and the atmosphere over the weekend is great,? Rosberg said. ?I have good memories from the race last year after finishing in second place and I hope we can get another good result this time around.?

The German driver performed inspiringly well in the qualifying of last two races and successfully secured pole positions. However, he failed to maximise on his qualifying performance in both the races and could not score competitive points for his team because of some reliability problems.

Nevertheless, he is not feeling upset and is confidently eying to perform well in the qualifying of the approaching round so as to secure a higher grid position to take a strong start on the race day.

Even though, he expressed few concerns about their tyre management. Nonetheless, he said that they are targeting to come up stronger in the upcoming race with some essential step-ups in their car. ?

?At the moment we have a good car for qualifying which helps in Monaco as it's the most important qualifying session of the year as track position is so important. So that might be helpful for us but there are so many unknowns, especially with the tyres, so we will just have to wait and see,? he added.

Currently, the 27-year-old is standing at 9th?place in the drivers? championship with 22 points. Besides, he is behind his main opponent, Paul di Resta of Force India and ahead of McLaren pair of drivers, Jenson Button and Sergio Perez.

Let?s see whether he will be able to score good points in the next race or not.


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Miners union threatens strike at South Africa's Amplats

By Helen Nyambura-Mwaura and Sherilee Lakmidas

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Miners at South Africa's Anglo American Platinum reported for work late Thursday, and a labor leader said the workers will strike on Friday in an escalation of unrest that sent the company's shares lower and the rand to a four-year low.

The threatened action is to protest Amplats' plans to cut as many as 6,000 jobs in a bid to return to profit, down from the 14,000 it initially proposed, and comes just as a two-day wildcat strike ends at platinum producer Longman.

"Workers are going underground; everything is normal," Amplats spokeswoman Mpumi Sithole told Reuters late on Thursday.

A branch leader with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) said earlier that miners would not work the overnight shift on Thursday, but another said later in the day that the action would commence on Friday.

"We decided that it would be tomorrow. It's not AMCU that have called the strike, it's the workers," said Evans Ramokga, an Amplats' labor leader also linked to AMCU.

Months of violent labor unrest in the mining sector last year, including the police killing of 34 strikers at Lonmin's Marikana mine, slowed the growth of South Africa's biggest economy and triggered credit rating downgrades.

On Thursday the prospect of another round of trouble sent the rand to four-year lows. Amplats shares fell more than 4 percent by the close and reached an eight-year low.

AMCU's leadership often distances itself from illegal strike action, but the leadership showed that it was in control this week, when leaders addressed the striking Lonmin miners and told them to return to the shafts, which the miners promptly did.

AMCU has succeeded in poaching tens of thousands of members from the once dominant National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).

More than 50 people have been killed in more than 12 months of unrest stemming from a turf war between the two unions. The rivalry was stoked over the weekend when an AMCU organizer was shot dead in a tavern.

The current action comes shortly before a round of wage talks being billed as the toughest since the end of apartheid in 1994, as shrinking company margins and falling commodity prices combine with rising worker militancy.

Sithole said Amplats had received no notification of an intent to strike. The company fell to a loss last year in part because of the strikes, which shut its mines near Rustenburg for months.


NUM, an ally of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), had enjoyed a near monopoly in the mining sector but started to lose members as a belief took hold that its leaders had become too close to management.

NUM says its rival AMCU has risen to prominence through violence and promises of unrealistic wage hikes at a time of razor-thin margins in the platinum sector in South Africa, home to 80 percent of known reserves of the metal.

NUM also points to its own success in wringing above-inflation wage hikes out of mining companies over the past decade.

The unrest is also rooted partly in glaring income disparities within the mining industry and the wider society.

Patience is wearing thin two decades after the end of white rule as much of the black mine labor force, which is semi-literate and drawn from poor rural areas, still makes only a few hundred dollars a month even after years of big wage rises.

And with an election looming in a year, the ANC is worried about the prospect of big job losses and forced Amplats to scale back its initial plan to shed 14,000 positions.

The cabinet is "extremely, extremely concerned" about the latest unrest, Environment Minister Edna Molewa told reporters at a post-cabinet news conference on Thursday.

(Additional reporting by Sherilee Lakmidas and Olivia Kumwenda in Johannesburg and Wendell Roelf in Cape Town; Writing by Ed Stoddard; Editing by Jane Baird and Cynthia Osterman)


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Irish government seeks emergency power to cut mobile services during G8 summit

Irish government seeks right to cut mobile services during G8 summit

The Irish Defence Minister, Alan Shatter, has put forward a law that would give his government the right to cut off mobile services "in a limited area" to prevent a bombing. In particular, he fears that militant groups may attack next month's G8 summit in Northern Ireland to "garner publicity," and that they may try to detonate explosives remotely using phone signals. Ireland already has a voluntary system for requesting operators to suspend services if it there's a threat, but the new legislation would make this compulsory, in case the authorities should face any "difficulty in getting a telecom company in an emergency to cooperate." The idea of deliberate blackouts may sound strange, at least outside of oppressed nations like Egypt and Syria, but Shatter says the Boston Marathon bombing, which possibly also involved cellphones as detonators, proves that such measures are necessary.

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Source: Belfast Telegraph


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Red Carpet Roundup: Star Trek Into Darkness Edition

Red Carpet Roundup: Star Trek Into Darkness Edition

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Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto

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Submitted By: RT Staff

Date: May 16, 2013



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Cannes 2013: The girls have gone wild in 'The Bling Ring,' Sofia ...


Image Credit: Merrick Morton

I?m writing my first post here at Cannes while I sit at one of my favorite side-street bistros, digging into a bowl of spaghetti carbonara, which is somehow less fattening than it would be in the U.S., because there are so many less additives in European food. That?s kind of how I feel about Sofia Coppola?s filmmaking: It?s additive-free ? a series of simple and direct gazes, purged of the usual syrup and glop, though maybe I should add that it?s deceptively simple, because the way that Coppola now works is to take her refreshingly unhurried, open-eyed, and empathetic camera style (which doesn?t descend from her father?s; I?d say it?s closer to Jonathan Demme meets mumblecore) and apply it to subjects of over-the-top extravagance. She first embraced this mode in Marie Antoinette (2006), and now, in her acerbically witty and arresting fifth feature, The Bling Ring, which premiered this morning at Cannes, she pushes it into the docudrama terrain of an American youth culture gone mad.

The movie, based on Nancy Jo Sales? 2010 Vanity Fair article ?The Suspects Wore Louboutins,? tells the true story of a pack of teenage girls in Los Angeles who broke into the homes of their celebrity idols (like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Rachel Bilson) to steal their clothes, shoes, jewelry, and knickknacks. They wound up taking more than $3 million worth of merchandise, yet in at least one sense the film presents their highly random boutique thievery binges as ?victimless? crimes. Figuring out from the Internet which stars are going to be out of town, and what their addresses are, they?re usually able to break in quite easily, climbing over security fences and going through (mostly) unlocked windows and doors, and once inside, what they?re doing, basically, is shopping. They rifle through designer dresses, find roomfuls of necklaces and handbags, and finally get to Valhalla when they enter the sacred chamber where Paris Hilton keeps her shoes (?This is so sick!? ?Look at all her Louboutins!? ?Her feet are so big!?). Turning creepy-crawling into the ultimate designer sale, they?re like the Manson girls of starstruck consumer-culture depravity.

I don?t know if Coppola shot all these scenes in actual celebrity homes, but it feels as if she did, and that?s part of the film?s lightly scandalous yet never mocking texture, its refusal to satirize. The girls, led by the breathlessly affectless Rebecca (Katie Chang), are presented as a new species of mutant: They care about nothing ? nothing! ? but fashion, tabloid star gossip, sexy consumer goods, and the way that these things all mash together to a grinding hip-hop party beat. (?It?s a Birkin!? exclaims Rebecca as she removes a white leather handbag from a star?s closet. ?Lindsay has this one!?) Coppola knows that these baby-doll label whores, in trying to get close to their idols, and even to ?become? them, by coveting what they wear to the point of going into their homes and stealing it are acting out a sociopathic version of the obsessions that now rule too many of us. Morally, they?re bankrupt, yet there?s a strange logic to what they?re up to. It?s the same impulse that gets people to buy celebrity perfumes and designer labels at Target, only here pushed to an uncompromising extreme of upscale desire.

The acting is so authentic that it takes a while to differentiate the girls, and that?s part of the film?s texture, too: its unsensational look at sensational (if trivial) crimes. Katie Chang gives Rebecca a coolly synthetic sensual glow, and Emma Watson, playing Nicki, a real mean girl, does a remarkable job of demonstrating that glassy-eyed insensitivity doesn?t have to be stupid. Wearing a brown shag that transforms her into a look-alike of the young Marilyn Chambers, Watson proves that her willingness to take chances is only growing, and that she?s an actress serious enough to turn a line like ?Your butt looks awesome!? into something that reveals character. As the lethal strumpet Chloe, singing along with M.I.A.?s ?Bad Girls? at the wheel just before she?s struck by another car (that?s not a spoiler ? she emerges with barely a scratch), Claire Julien is like a 21st-century Cherie Currie, and Israel Broussard is sympathetic in a dazed way as Rebecca?s boyfriend, Marc, who gets drawn into being the token male of the group. The way he goes along on this joyride to hell makes him, in a certain sense, our token of normality as well. Watching The Bling Ring, the audience is invited to understand the impulses of these child-woman thieves, even as Coppola stands firmly apart from their craziness and sees them for who they are. A lesser filmmaker would have turned them into warped rebels. What Coppola demonstrates is that they?re not so much rebellious as scared, because the inner lives they?re desperately trying to slather in stuff are so amazingly underdeveloped. In the end, of course, the members of the Bling Ring did get caught. Which finally made them, too, into ?celebrities.? The movie is a comic ode to how cheap our 15 minutes of fame has become.

* * * *

It?s been raining for two days now in Cannes, with the Riviera sun a sadly distant memory, though the bum weather didn?t rain on the parade of The Great Gatsby, which kicked off the festival last night with full red-carpet fireworks. The opening-night film, especially if it?s already playing in the States, often seems detached from the rest of the festival: a high-profile bubble of PR floating above everything else. Yet the sudden phenomenon of The Great Gatsby is all that anyone?s been talking about here. The film?s $50 million opening weekend has redefined it, making it that rarity, a kind of blockbuster sleeper, not to mention a far sexier player than even the Cannes programmers must have bargained for.

What everyone wants to know is: Can a tale as quintessentially American as The Great Gatsby now conquer Europe? My guess would be yes. And maybe for the same reason that the film is conquering America, even though it has no Iron Men, fast and furious hot rods, or Vulcan ears. The stylistics of Baz Luhrmann, fused not just with the story of The Great Gatsby but with the mystique of The Great Gatsby, has taken this tale of a 1920s man of wealth who is also a human mirage and made it over into a mirage of the 21st-century money culture: glitzy, top-heavy, built like a McMansion in the air. At the press conference, Luhrmann had to dodge a series of ?Gotcha!? questions about why the Jewish criminal Meyer Wolfsheim is played by a Bollywood actor (I think the answer is: because Baz Luhrmann loves Bollywood!), but aside from that tempest in a teapot, Luhrmann suddenly seems like the spirit of Cannes incarnate, a global mixmaster touching past and present, old money and new, art-house classicism and whirling, hip-hop-fueled delirium. In many ways, The Great Gatsby is a Merchant-Ivory movie for people who don?t read. But here in Cannes, we still call that cinema. And it will certainly do until the sun comes out.

Follow Owen on Twitter: @OwenGleiberman


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