Saturday, August 11, 2012

Carb-phobia & Mindless Rants: Because you will DO happy!

I am going to rant here?.and yes, I know?.this isn?t much of a surprise?.BUT I really DON?T want to rant about this.? I have this fear this is going to come across as jealousy or projection.?

Let me state up front that this is a tad bit of jealousy because of the publicity that the folks I am going to talk about have/get over me.? That is very true and I will never deny that.

But there is no projection here on how I am interpreting their message and I think you will largely agree with me.?

Yesterday, a well renowned trainer shared a blog post from another renowned trainer.? Why are they renowned?? Because the internet says so?.there is even a list made up by yet another renowned trainer that lists the top 20 trainers as ?people who know their chit and you should listen to?.? The article?s purpose was to tell us we should listen to these top 20 trainers? words and advice on fitness, nutrition and living as gospel.? Sounds valid, right? Me no like it.

Here?s my problem?.I don?t agree with their advice particularly on food and I am sometimes concerned about the message they are sending with their Facebook posts on their personal choices.

I have learned a considerable amount over the last year, and here is where I am going to tell you I was wrong.?

One of the utmost important things I have learned is that arrogance will have your message fall on deaf ears.? It?s NOT a good medium.? Some will listen, the ones who are ?mostly? there as far as food choices and exercise, or the ones conditioned by the fitness magazines and commercial gyms because this is the same message the magazine articles have or the same energy that can be found in a gym.? And some love the arrogant approach because they are insecure about themselves and feel they have some power over those that struggle with their diet and getting exercise.? ????

For those that aren?t in love with Muscle and Fitness and frightened to death at the thought of stepping into a commercial gym, struggle with food choices, and aren?t sure where to start with exercise this arrogant tone just makes them feel worse and hopeless.? Enter gimmicky pills, shakes, belts, and Weight Watchers.

Alienating folks is the LAST thing you should want to do if your GOAL is to help people be stronger and healthier.? ??

I had a daily habit of reading these renowned trainer?s blogs and getting caught up in what they were/are doing.? What they are lifting and how they are training.? I have my diet down to a science that I am 100% solid on ?but my training has always been this elusive paradigm that I always wonder about?am I doing it right, could I do it better, is this as effective as I can be, should I be competing, would I win if I was competing, I wouldn?t win if I was competing.? I drive myself crazy with these thoughts.?

Because of this training comparison I put myself on a yearlong roller coaster ride trying to find the perfect training plan for Angela.? And the scary part is?.I had it and I threw it to the side because I got caught up in this media nonsense.?

A few weeks ago I pulled out my journal from a year ago.? I was reading through the work outs and my comments about the work outs and I realized ?holy chit!? THIS made me happy, made me STRONG, and I felt GOOD about myself after I completed these workouts!? And I started doing these type of workouts again and guess what?? I felt like a machine, I felt really good about myself during and after the workouts, I was LOOKING FORWARD to the next one?not dreading it.?

You may be asking right here, Angela?.what is it?? What are you doing?? What is the secret?? The secret is your workouts should make you HAPPY.? Yes, yes, they SUCK during, and your muscles and stomach burn and you ask?.WHY am I doing this?then the work out is done and you are sweaty, spent AND content.? You have that ?I just did that? smirk.? The goal is?.HAPPY!? Because everyone will do happy.?

I went back to my old lifting routines where I do six to seven rounds of six to seven reps of about four exercises keeping the weight moderate instead of worrying about maxing on lifts. ?I got so caught up in the fact that all these renowned trainers post online that they are lifting heavier than me and maxing their dead lift at 300#s that I felt insecure, and ineffective and useless to others and myself. ?Fawk that...I really don't LIKE dead lifting max weight; maxing my dead lift makes me feel like my colon, uterus and esophagus is going to come out my rectum and me no like that.? ?

I'd rather do 175#s for 49 reps over seven rounds and broken up. ?My heart racing because I just did handstand push-ups and now have to do burpees and right back to the dead the clock....sweaty, miserable, huffing and puffing and when it is all over I feel like a gawd damn million bucks.? This makes ME happy.

Media dictates the economy and our actions.? This is a plain and simple fact.? I don?t follow mainstream media, but none the less the media I was reading had me question what worked for ME.? The more I work with REAL people and talk with them I realize who I am and where I WANT to be....not where the MEDIA is telling me I should be.

I know what works for PEOPLE....real people with real problems that include having excess weight, having physical injuries and disabilities, having metabolic damage out the yang, with not a lot of time to exercise, with people who have sacrificed their health their entire life trying to chase the elusive ?perfect body?.? I KNOW you cannot sacrifice your health for protein shakes and pseudo science. ?I KNOW that most people don't NEED that meal, even if their protein count isn?t at the one gram per pound of body weight yet that day. ?I KNOW that most people have so much metabolic damage that eating carbs at night will NEVER allow them to heal?even if they fasted all day. ?I KNOW that most people don't have a DESIRE to dead lift 300# or push a sled around on a regular basis?.or even HAVE 300#s to dead lift or an expensive sled to push. ?

Most people want the strength and energy and ability to run after their kids, run on the beach, go hiking or biking, try kayaking or skiing, have the strength and ability to unpack a car full of groceries, play on a softball league when invited, LOOK GOOD NAKED! ?They are OK with air squats or squatting a bottle of laundry detergent. ?

AND THIS IS OK!! ?STRONG is not JUST defined as dead lifting 300#s. ?You can be defined as strong when you go for a run and your kid follows you on his/her bike.? Strong is defined as completing laps at the pool with your family. Strong is doing push-ups every hour, even when they are wall push-ups. Strong is defined as doing calf raises while you blow dry your hair.? (That?s for you Stacy ;-))

Strong is defined as YOUR decision to move your body, to make it stronger, make your muscles more supple and shapely in YOUR way.? Strong is setting an example for your kids, your significant other, your co-workers.? If you aren?t HAPPY with what you are doing for exercise change it.? CHANGE IT!? Get happy with it. You will do happy!

I think it is a poor message to post on your FB page that you stayed up all night watching episode after episode of True Blood then hammered coffee and caffeine pills to train clients the next day. ?You post this kind of message on a page where people are going for advice and they will think it is OK because you - someone who they look up to - is doing it. ?It is habit for us to give ourselves leeway; we don?t need role models giving us more.

These FB pages have thousands of likes, they are touching thousands of people with their advice, thoughts, and lifestyle habits daily.? I saw on my FB feed that someone on my feed just ?liked? Real Housewives of New Jersey, I went over to check this page out and it has close to TWO MILLION likes!!? Each comment that was posted has an average of 600 replies!!? This cannot be what we are focusing on.? I am going to sound judgmental and I apologize because I truly do feel sorry for these women and especially sorry for their children, sorry that they don?t have enough respect for themselves and act like this for the entire world to consume.? The media controls economy.? Digest that for a minute.? This means that two million people daily are exposed to this train wreck carnage of women and their families that drink excessively, act lewd and obnoxious, concern themselves only with exterior appearance and the things they own and they parade this for the whole world to see shamelessly.? Media controls the economy.? ??Avoidance?..that is what this is, plain avoidance.? We cannot avoid the fact that everywhere around us people are over medicated, overweight, and under informed on HOW to get healthy and LIVE.? This stuff is simple. Get up and move more and sit less?.move to your happy.? Cut out the inflammatory foods, the grains, the sugars, the fake sugars.? Understand that it is more than just eating protein and fats.? Understand that having meat that was grain and corn fed and then pumped full of antibiotics is dangerous to your health.? Understand that food cooked in soybean oil, vegetable oil, corn oil and canola oil is NOT good for you.? But extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, pasture raised, grass-fed meat fats ARE good for you.? Get informed?.and be happy?.because everyone will do happy!


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