Saturday, September 22, 2012

good night's sleep 7 secrets | Bodybuilding, Supplements, Diets ...

Sleep might seem like a waste of time but it?s actually an essential part of life. It?s when your body and mind recharge. If you take care of your sleeping patterns, you?ll notice the following benefits:

Your workouts will be more effective
Your concentration will improve
You?ll feel less stressed

In short, if you sleep better tonight you?ll function better tomorrow.

1. Darken your room

Make like a caveman and ensure your bedroom is as dark as the inside of a cave.

2. Have a hot bath

It?s not the warmth of the bath but the cooling effect that assists in you nodding off.

3. Eat carbs

The effort it takes for your body to process carbs makes you drowsy. Keep it clean with rice or potatoes not bread or pasta.

4. Exercise regularly

Nothing paves the way for a good night?s sleep like a good old workout. Your body releases chemicals to help you sleep. The more active you are, the more these chemicals are released. It really is as simple as that.

5. Stick to a routine

The body works in cycles so try and go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even at weekends. Yep, you heard us ? no Sunday morning lie-in.

6. No caffeine after 4pm

As a stimulant it?ll keep your mind racing when all you want is rest. Instead, try camomile tea.

7. Turn off your mobile

In fact, remove all electromagnetic interference from the bedroom. If you must charge your mobile at night keep it at least a metre away from you and switch off your TV at the plug.

And there you have it: 7 top tips to a good night?s sleep. Just don?t forget to set your alarm ? we don?t want you blaming us if you?re late for work.

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