Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sweet Country Life: Education, Family & Faith...

?Aw, So here we go.

I have been dragging my feet on these last books.


Because education decisions, parenting philosophies, and faith talk...tend to make people a little fussy.

?As you all already know.

But, I'll say it again.

These are our opinions alone.

How you feel about each of these subjects has only to do with you and yours.

Sound good?

Let's start with education.

As most, if not all of you know.

We have chosen to educate our children at home.

This is a growing trend for sure.

But, still? relatively small in the big picture of education.

I could tell you a hundred reasons for why I am not qualified to do this.

But a million more, on why it's the right and best path for us...

So this first set of books are all ones that encourage me and my husband to carry on in this endeavor.

I love this book!

As a homeschooling mama.

Sally is so good at feeding that part of me that wonders if I am really making a difference in the lives of these children?

Will they be better for it?

Will I be enough...

Do I have what it takes?

And so on.

And just in case you are NOT a homeschool mother.

I know ladies who have read this.

Who still appreciated the message and did NOT homeschool.

Although, I must admit.

Sally is very clear about your role...your Mission as a mother.

And it can be very hard to hear for some.

I love this book!

While not specifically about education.

It does provide that backdrop for educating your children through the seasons with a sense of peaceful well being, enjoying the abundance of nature. Slowing your schedule way down.

Crafting, creating, family time.

And overall just finding your own family rhythm.

It has a chapter on each month.

And I must confess...

I have to make myself not read ahead.

I wait and savor the beautiful writing by Amanda and her husband each month.

The photos are gorgeous.

And the "things to do" each month are so up my alley!

Such a simple pleasure and treasure.

Since we are raising some boys out here in the country.

My job, as I see it...

Is not just about reading, writing and arithmetic.

It's about preparing these boys to be Godly men.

Which is scary, no?

This book does not mince words on our responsibilities as the parents of boys.

And, I need all of the help I can get on what they must be.

This is a tough book.


But if you have a goal, a Godly inspired goal for your boys.

I would get this and read it.

Another book by Voddie.


All I can say here is this.

That the daddy and I are in the process of equipping ourselves to be better leaders of our children and growing their faith.

We need all of the help we can get.

And just like home education.

Discipleship starts at home.

This is a great book!


If you want to grow in your family driven faith this is a must read.

And, I put it into the education category for a couple of reasons.

My personal growth and learning.

And because of the nuggets that I glean form books like this to use in my teachable moments with my children.

Because...Let's face it.

Being together 24/7 provides a million and one reasons and times for me to have teachable moments!

I had heard about this book a lot.

And recently checked it out from the library.

And while the author was basically preaching to the choir...

At least in my case.

I look around me and see so many families that could benefit from this book.

Our busy lifestyle and go, go, go.

Not to mention the competitiveness and too much stuff...

Are all "waging an undeclared war on childhood."


If you need help recognizing the signs of strain on you AND your children.

If you need help, a reason, and a really good excuse to quiet things down.

Or, if you just want a little affirmation in the fact that you already are a slow and steady parent.

This is a great and fast read.

Full of wisdom.

And ideas for simplifying your life.

Spot on in my humble opinion...

And another book not based on education as much as lifestyle.

And for those of you who home educate or plan to in the future...

You all already know, or will soon find out.

Home education and lifestyle are one in the same.

OK, Back to education.

More specifically.

This was hard for me to see as a new home teaching mama.

But, eventually. You will find that certain methods fit you better than others.

You will start to see that you gravitate towards a certain kind of books, curricula, style, method...

And for me, it's a mostly Charlotte Mason approach.

"The Gentle Art of Learning"

This book has been so good for many reasons.

But, what I love most is how it ties the atmosphere of home, in with nature studies, strong literature based learning, art, history, poetry, and so on with the discipline of habits. All together!

And let me just say this.

I need good discipline of habits!

And so do my children.

Beautifully written and a great reference to use again and again.

I just recently started reading this book.

But, oh so good!

This is another great reference book with the Charlotte Mason philosophy woven through out.

Sally and Clay do an excellent job of guiding you in these areas:

* Make your home and family the heart of your children's education
* Train your children to become creative, self-directed learners
* Enrich your family's life and education with living books
* Identify and work with each child's learning style
* Help your children love to learn as naturally as they love to play
* Gain confidence to teach using practical, common-sense methods?

All with God at the center.

Love this.

And find it to be very encouraging and inspiring!

This is not, of course, all of my favorite books on parenting and education...

And, sweet living in general.

But, these are my favorites right now.

And... are definitely what are shaping our days, our choices, and our time and teaching the most.

Please feel free to leave any books that you like, in the comments, so that other readers may glean a few titles from you.? Or, even if you didn't like one of these books. feel free to say why...

I'll finish up this book series in my next post.

It will be about faith and what is moving us on our current path.

Then, as you know.

I have already announced that I will be closing up the Sweet Country Life, soon.

And if you missed it, here is the post regarding that.

I posted these books after a request from a reader, so if there is anything else you are wondering is the time to ask.

And, if any of you have a desire or a need to contact me.

Now is the time to do so.

As always.

These are my humble opinions.

And I take what I love from the books, let go of what I don't.

And move on.

Which you should do, too.

Praying you have found some help, inspiration or encouragement here.

And also that you would have a beautiful weekend.



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