Thursday, February 28, 2013

WATCH: Josh Duhamel & Julianne Hough Do Harlem Shake!

Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough are obsessed. The Safe Haven stars have been livening up their international premieres by convincing fans to do the Harlem Shake -- a trend that, honestly, we thought would have passed by now. But hey, it's still fun. And, bonus: Hough actually knows how to dance. Watch their Berlin rendition of the Harlem Shake below; that's Duhamel waving the German flag, and Hough in the pink Zuhair Murad dress in the front row!


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'Stormin' Norman,' Desert Storm commander, to be laid to rest at ...

One of the most celebrated generals of the 20th Century, Norman Schwarzkopf is being lauded by presidents and military leaders as a true patriot. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

By Matthew DeLuca, Staff Writer, NBC News

Norman Schwarzkopf, the general who commanded the 30-country coalition that drove Saddam Hussein?s forces out of Kuwait, will be laid to rest on Thursday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. A 1956 graduate of the military academy, ?Stormin? Norman? will be buried after a memorial service at the West Point chapel.

The Desert Storm commander with a tough-as-tacks reputation died on Dec. 27 in Tampa, Fla., of complications from pneumonia. He was 78.

Schwarzkopf served two tours in Vietnam, staying on after a conflict that left many former brothers-in-arms disillusioned with the military.

He was appointed commander in chief of the U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa in 1988. In 1990, he took command of the U.S.-led forces that drove back Hussein?s forces in Operation Desert Storm.

It was the first war televised in real time, and Schwarzkopf, a bulldog clad in desert camouflage, used his TV appearances to send a message to his adversary.

?With those cameras grinding away, I knew I wasn?t talking just to friendly audiences, but that Saddam and his bully boys were watching me on CNN in their headquarters,? Schwarzkopf wrote in his 1992 autobiography.

For the most part, Schwarzkopf receded from public life after Desert Storm, apart from a brief term as a military analyst for NBC. He lived out his retirement in Tampa, emerging to campaign for the re-election of President George W. Bush in 2004.

Schwarzkopf ?stood tall for the country and Army he loved,? President Obama said in a statement on the general?s passing in December.

The general will be buried near his father in the West Point cemetery. Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf was a 1917 graduate of the military academy who went on to help found the New Jersey State Police.

?I just would be very happy if the history books said that I was a soldier who served his country with honor and loved his troops and loved his family,? Schwarzkopf once said. ?That?s enough for me.?

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



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Why Rand Paul pulled a 180 in Hagel vote

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, left, stands next to Arizona Sen. John McCain. (Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)

Only four Republicans crossed party lines on Tuesday to approve President Barack Obama's defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel, but no senator sparked more confusion than Kentucky's Rand Paul, a vocal critic of Hagel who nonetheless cast his vote in favor of the former Nebraska senator.

Just hours after he had voted against a procedural measure to end debate over Hagel's nomination, Paul offered his support for Hagel's confirmation. Paul's spokeswoman explained that the senator decided to support Hagel because he believes that presidents should get "some leeway" on political appointments, an opinion he has been open about in the past.

"In the run-up to tonight?s vote to confirm former Sen. Hagel as secretary of defense, Sen. Paul voted twice against cloture on the nomination, because he agreed with many of his colleagues that there were questions that needed to be answered about the president?s nominee," Paul spokeswoman Moira Bagley told Yahoo News. "As he has said before, the president should be entitled to some leeway on his political appointments. That is why Sen. Paul voted in favor of Sen. John Kerry, with whom he largely disagrees on foreign policy, to serve as secretary of state, and that is why he voted for final passage of the nomination of Sen. Hagel this evening, with whom he also disagrees on a number of issues."

The Senate voted 58-41 to confirm Hagel, ending a long and contentious nomination process. The other Republicans who supported Hagel were Sens. Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Mike Johanns of Nebraska and Richard Shelby of Alabama.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

7 Online Resources That Can Save Time & Money in Business ...

If you look into the business procedures of 2013, you will notice that entrepreneurs like to do all their research on the internet, from finding new customers to learning new sales techniques. However, as the internet is a vast media, so finding the right solution becomes difficult at times.

Now the question comes: Where they can look for the top quality business online resources and how they can avoid the junk.

Plenty of business resources are available online and it is just like separating wheat from the chaff. You can find many useless websites floating in the internet world and if you look into them, it will be simply wasting of time. However, you can find a number of websites that can help you in running the small business.

If you are aware of the desired place, then finding them is not a tough part. Here are 7 choices that can help you in running a small business.

  1. 1.?????? Entrepreneur.Com : Perfect Place For The New Entrepreneurs

If you are thinking to turn yourself into an entrepreneur then this website is perfect for you. It was actually a magazine but now the website provides more information to stand on its own. ?It is a handy resource since it is able to find useful information on offer; the site is able to provide downloadable forms and templates. This will enable you to save a lot of time. If you have not tried out your hands on the business templates, try them now.

  1. 2.?????? All Business: Mine of Business Information

This is an excellent website to start or run a business on your own. They have topics of discussion and articles on every business including a financial section. They include the podcasts, multiple business blogs and videos to provide information in a multimedia format. They are also able to cover news on this site but the real mine is the articles, which offers you a wide range of topics.

  1. 3.?????? Practical Ecommerce: Efficient for the Online Retailers

Just like the other sites, Practical eCommerce has been able to provide plenty of articles that are helpful for your business transactions. Their most catchy and bright portion are their webinars and community. The site is specifically designed to help the online businesses and it supports various online entrepreneurs who shares, tips and ideas in the community section. You will also find archived webinars on topics like social media, inventory management etc.

  1. 4.?????? Bloomburg Businessweek: The Business Newsstand

If small business owners need ideas for startup then they can refer to this website. You will find articles on small business tax and business blogging. It also helps to find relevant news for those who are going to a start their own small business. This is no doubt a good site to add to your morning reading list if you want to stay updated with the latest news in the business zone.

  1. 5.?????? On Startups: For the New Businessman

A simple blog which if compared to the larger sites is no less important. If you compare to the above-mentioned websites you will find that they this site is equally packed with useful information on marketing and business. The posts are just 200 words in length and are full of depth and information. You just need to spend a little more time to have a better understanding of each post. They include plenty of case studies, which can be useful for every business.

  1. 6.?????? Business Startup Checklist: Guide for Do?s And Don?ts in Business

If you are thinking ton start out, then this checklist is surely going to help you a lot. When you come to the landing page of this website, you will get a checklist and you just need to click on any of the items in the checklist. As soon as you click on the checklist, you will get a mine of information, resources and links. Nothing is left unexplained, from writing a business plan to funding and hiring employees and even creating a bookkeeping system.

  1. 7.?????? Small Biz CEO: Makes You a Complete Businessman

This website is a large network of articles and is easily navigable. The business owners, who are particularly new to the game, will like it. There is a section of free tools that includes free eBooks on SEO, downloadable business forms, templates and professional business letters, which you can use in business. The list is vast and there are good chances to find just anything that you search related to your business.

We know the internet is full of websites and there are chances to get distracted by the junk out there. so you need to focus on the blog and websites, which can provide you with valuable online business resources and stands you in a good stead of time. These sites mentioned in the article are a good place to start through. Give a try now!

URL list of the above online resources:

  1. (
  2. (All Business)
  3. (Practical Ecommerce)
  4. (Bloomburg Businessweek)
  5. (On Startup)
  6. (Business Startup Checklist)
  7. (Small Business CEO)

Author?s Bio: Ryan Gomes is a marketing expert who lends advice to the small business owners with innovative startup ideas and other business solution. He is an active marketing counselor at telemarketing companies in India, which effectively supports small business owners with chat, email and answering services.

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Weather extremes provoked by trapping of giant waves in the atmosphere

Feb. 25, 2013 ? The world has suffered from severe regional weather extremes in recent years, such as the heat wave in the United States in 2011 or the one in Russia 2010 coinciding with the unprecedented Pakistan flood. Behind these devastating individual events there is a common physical cause, propose scientists of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The study will be published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and suggests that man-made climate change repeatedly disturbs the patterns of atmospheric flow around the globe's Northern hemisphere through a subtle resonance mechanism.

"An important part of the global air motion in the mid-latitudes of the Earth normally takes the form of waves wandering around the planet, oscillating between the tropical and the Arctic regions. So when they swing up, these waves suck warm air from the tropics to Europe, Russia, or the US, and when they swing down, they do the same thing with cold air from the Arctic," explains lead author Vladimir Petoukhov.

"What we found is that during several recent extreme weather events these planetary waves almost freeze in their tracks for weeks. So instead of bringing in cool air after having brought warm air in before, the heat just stays. In fact, we observe a strong amplification of the usually weak, slowly moving component of these waves," says Petoukhov. Time is critical here: two or three days of 30 degrees Celsius are no problem, but twenty or more days lead to extreme heat stress. Since many ecosystems and cities are not adapted to this, prolonged hot periods can result in a high death toll, forest fires, and dramatic harvest losses.

Anomalous surface temperatures are disturbing the air flows

Climate change caused by greenhouse-gas emissions from fossil-fuel burning does not mean uniform global warming -- in the Arctic, the relative increase of temperatures, amplified by the loss of snow and ice, is higher than on average. This in turn reduces the temperature difference between the Arctic and, for example, Europe, yet temperature differences are a main driver of air flow. Additionally, continents generally warm and cool more readily than the oceans. "These two factors are crucial for the mechanism we detected," says Petoukhov. "They result in an unnatural pattern of the mid-latitude air flow, so that for extended periods the slow synoptic waves get trapped."

The authors of the study developed equations that describe the wave motions in the extra-tropical atmosphere and show under what conditions those waves can grind to a halt and get amplified. They tested their assumptions using standard daily weather data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). During recent periods in which several major weather extremes occurred, the trapping and strong amplification of particular waves -- like "wave seven" (which has seven troughs and crests spanning the globe) -- was indeed observed. The data show an increase in the occurrence of these specific atmospheric patterns, which is statistically significant at the 90 percent confidence level.

The probability of extremes increases -- but other factors come in as well

"Our dynamical analysis helps to explain the increasing number of novel weather extremes. It complements previous research that already linked such phenomena to climate change, but did not yet identify a mechanism behind it," says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of PIK and co-author of the study. "This is quite a breakthrough, even though things are not at all simple -- the suggested physical process increases the probability of weather extremes, but additional factors certainly play a role as well, including natural variability." Also, the 32-year period studied in the project provides a good indication of the mechanism involved, yet is too short for definite conclusions.

Nevertheless, the study significantly advances the understanding of the relation between weather extremes and human-made climate change. Scientists were surprised by how far outside past experience some of the recent extremes have been. The new data show that the emergence of extraordinary weather is not just a linear response to the mean warming trend, and the proposed mechanism could explain that.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Petoukhov, V., Rahmstorf, S., Petri, S., Schellnhuber, H. J. Quasi-resonant amplification of planetary waves and recent Northern Hemisphere weather extremes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222000110

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Boehner Not Blinking in Budget Deadlock

With sequestration set to strike on Friday, House Speaker John Boehner returned to the Capitol after a nine-day recess with no apparent change in his political posture: If the $85 billion cuts are going to be averted, Boehner insists, it's up to the Senate to act.

Some lawmakers had returned to Washington today hoping for a "hail Mary" attempt to avert the looming sequestration cuts.

"Time is running out," Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., said on the House floor shortly after legislative business resumed. "The president should be working with House Republicans by engaging in the legislative process."

"We only have four days left to go and our country's overall well-being depends on it," House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., warned.

But considering Boehner's firm resistance to a Democratic proposal to offset half of the cuts with new taxes, the sequester seems certain to take effect untouched.

"The president says we have to have another tax increase in order to avoid the sequester," Boehner R-Ohio, told reporters outside his office suite today. "Mr. President, you got your tax increase. It's time to cut spending here in Washington."

Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, called on both parties "to work together" to find a balanced solution. But he, like most Democrats, remains adamant that a deal must include new taxes in addition to targeted savings.

"Budget discipline is absolutely necessary, but damaging job growth and our economy to do so is self-defeating," Hoyer said on the House floor today. "While many Republicans have been praising the sequester as a viable path forward, Democrats recognize this mindless policy for the danger it is."

Read More About Sequestration

Boehner expressed hope that an eleventh-hour deal to offset the $85 billion across-the-board cuts could still be reached, but he continued to pressure Senate Democrats to vote on their proposal before any other options are considered in the House.

"Hope springs eternal," Boehner said. "It's time for [Senate Democrats] to act. I've made this clear for months now and yet we've seen nothing."

When asked about the prospect for a solution last Friday, President Obama responded identically that "hope springs eternal."

House Republicans voted twice during the 112 th Congress to narrowly pass legislation to offset the sequester with alternative savings, but those measures languished in the Senate and expired with the end of the session. After House Republicans lost eight seats in the last election, a senior Democratic leadership aide doubted that Republicans have enough support within their conference to repeat the feat for a third time. A senior GOP leadership aide, however, said Boehner has the Republican votes to pass the replacement again.

"The House has acted twice," Boehner said. "We shouldn't have to act a third time before the Senate begins to do their work."

Boehner also criticized President Obama for planning a trip to Newport News, Va., Tuesday where the president hopes to draw attention to some of the potential impacts of the arbitrary cuts.

"The president proposed the sequester yet he's far more interested in holding campaign rallies than he is in urging his Senate Democrats to actually pass a plan," he said. "Instead of using our military men and women as campaign props, if the president was serious, he'd sit down with Harry Reid and begin to address our problems."

The speaker said he did not know how many jobs would be lost if the cuts take hold on Friday, but he warned that by continuing to ignore the country's ballooning debt, potential job creation is threatened.

"If we don't solve the spending problem here in Washington, there will be tens of millions of jobs in the future that won't happen because of the debt load that's being laid on the backs of our kids and our grandkids," he said. "I came here to save the American dream for my kids and yours. This debt problem and the president's addiction to spending is threatening their future."

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Prince Michael Jackson to appear on '90210'

By Philiana Ng, The Hollywood Reporter

Phil Mccarten / REUTERS

Prince Michael Jackson is making his acting debut. The eldest child of the late pop star Michael Jackson will appear in the season finale of The CW's "90210,"?The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively.

Jackson will play Cooper, a trauma victim who bonds with Silver (Jessica Stroup) over the realization -- at a very young age -- how precious life is. He is filming his guest spot this week.

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The news comes just one week after "Entertainment Tonight"?announced that the 16-year-old Jackson would be joining the entertainment newsmagazine as an on-air correspondent. "I'm looking to become well-rounded as a producer, director, screenwriter and actor," Jackson told "ET's" Brooke Anderson last week.

Prince Michael Jackson named 'Entertainment Tonight' correspondent

Jackson, repped by Ja-Tail Enterprises, is the latest guest star to drop by "90210" this season. Other notable names have included Carly Rae Jepsen, Ryan Lochte, Nelly Furtado, Carmen Electra, Ne-Yo, Denise Richards, Taio Cruz, Joey McIntyre and Terrell Owens.

"90210" airs at 9 p.m. Mondays on The CW.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

EDNews forms new nonprofit | PEBC

Contact Rosann Ward Phone: 303-861-8661

Date: February25, 2013

Education News Colorado, the award-winning, Denver-based non-profit news website, is leaving its home of the past five-years to help launch a national network of education news websites.

Born to and raised by the Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC), a venerable 30-year-old education non-profit based in Denver, EdNews has become Colorado?s definitive source of education news, analysis, data and commentary since PEBC launched the site in January 2008. EdNews is partnering with New York City-based GothamSchools to form the non-profit Education News Network (ENN).

?The idea of launching a network of education news websites in states on the cutting edge of education change is an idea that excites educators, journalists and funders,? ENN Publisher Alan Gottlieb said. ?We believe we have developed a model that will provide the best local education journalism in the country while demonstrating that non-profit news can be financially sustainable in the long term.?

ENN plans to open education news websites in several cities and states around the country in the next three to five years.

ENN?s mission is to provide deep local coverage of education policy and practice, to inform decisions and actions that lead to better outcomes for children.

Gottlieb also emphasized the key role played by PEBC in creating EdNews, sustaining it through some tough times and ?sticking with us in the early days when we generated more than our share of controversy.?

Rosann B. Ward, PEBC?s president, said that while nudging EdNews out of the nest is bittersweet, it also represents the next logical step in the website?s evolution.

?PEBC has a proud history of incubating innovative projects,? Ward said. ?While EdNews was an integral part of PEBC, the board saw this as an opportune moment for both PEBC and EdNews to make this transition happen. We are proud of and committed to the innovative work EdNews does in our state. And we look forward to its increasing impact on education beyond Colorado.?

Prominent education figures in Colorado also lauded the move.

?PEBC created the most powerful education news and information resource in the country in EdNews, at a time when traditional media outlets were abandoning serious reporting on education issues,? said Barbara O?Brien, former lieutenant governor of Colorado who now serves as president of Get Smart Schools. ?With the creation of ENN, this unique resource will now expand to other communities across the country.?

ENN will operate under the fiscal sponsorship of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center while it waits for the Internal Revenue Service to finalize its 501(c)(3) status.


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ASUS PadFone Infinity announced: 5-inch, 1080p screen, Snapdragon 600 CPU and full HD tablet display (hands-on)

ASUS PadFone Infinity announced 5inch, 1080p display, Snapdragon 600 CPU and full HD tablet display handson

You may have heard a new PadFone was on the way -- it's not like ASUS has been dropping obvious hints or anything. In any case, surprise! ASUS just unveiled a new model, the PadFone Infinity. Like other PadFones, this is a handset that slips into a tablet-like dock, allowing you to make use of a bigger screen. This time, though, it ships with Android 4.2, and the display has grown from 4.7 inches to 5. The resolution is now 1080p (up from 720p), which comes out to 441 pixels per inch. Additionally, the tablet's 10.1-inch screen has a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200, up from 1,280 x 800 in the last-gen model. It's plenty bright, too, at 400 nits, but that's a slight step down from the last-gen model, which lit up to 500 nits.

What's more, the phone's gotten an upgrade on the inside: it now packs a quad-core, 1.7GHz Snapdragon 600 chip with an Adreno 320 GPU, some of the freshest components Qualcomm has to offer at the moment. Also on-board, you get 2GB of RAM to help boost performance, with your choice of either 32GB or 64GB of built-in storage. As far as connectivity, you're looking at EDGE, GPRS, GSM, WCDMA, LTE and DC-HSPA+, along with all the usual radios: WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, A-GPS and even GLONASS. According to an ASUS rep, the device uses a nano-SIM rather than micro-SIM. Around back, ASUS has added a 13-megapixel autofocusing camera with an LED flash, five-element, f/2.0 lens and burst shooting at eight fps. There's a front camera too, capped at 2MP, in case you want to do the occasional video chat. Meanwhile, the 2,400mAh battery promises up to 19 hours of 3G talk time, and up to 40 with the dock attached.

Like every other PadFone that's been released, this won't be available in the US, but the phone-and-dock combo will cost £799 / €999 when it goes on sale in Europe this April. The phone is also headed to Asia, though we don't have any more details. You'll also have your choice of colors, we hear: gray, gold and hot pink, if that's what you're into. Check out our hands-on gallery for a closer look.

Update: Hands-on photos and video now added. You're welcome.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Danica Patrick not satisfied with Daytona finish

Danica Patrick, center, prepares to get in her car before the start of the NASCAR Daytona 500 Sprint Cup Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Danica Patrick, center, prepares to get in her car before the start of the NASCAR Daytona 500 Sprint Cup Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Jimmie Johnson crosses the finish line to win the Daytona 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

Michael Annett (43), Johanna Long (70), Hal Martin (44), Mike Bliss (19), Jason White (00), Joe Nemechek (87), Jeffrey Earnhardt (79), Matt Kenseth (18), Danny Efland (4) and Kasey Kahne (5) collide and slide as Austin Dillon (3) escapes between Turns 1 and 2 during the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla., Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)

Danica Patrick (10) and Jeff Gordon (24) lead the pack to start the NASCAR Daytona 500 Sprint Cup Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Danica Patrick competes during NASCAR Daytona 500 Sprint Cup Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013, in Daytona Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Danica Patrick turned in the best finish by a woman in the Daytona 500.

Still, she's beating herself up a little bit after fading on the final lap.

With one lap to go, Patrick was running third behind Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. The crowd was going nuts, hoping the pole-sitter could somehow pull out an improbable win.

All of a sudden, Patrick's inexperience in stock cars showed as her No. 10 car slipped back to eighth. Johnson held off Earnhardt to win the Great American Race.

"I would imagine pretty much anyone would be kicking themselves about what they coulda, shoulda have done to give themselves an opportunity to win," she said. "There was uncertainty on how to accomplish that."

Patrick led three times for a total of five laps, and she ran in the top 10 most of the day. It wasn't that strenuous, either, giving her a time to chat on the radio with her crew chief and spotter, picking their brains on strategy at the end of the race.

"How am I gonna do this?" Patrick recalled thinking. "I didn't know what to do exactly. Maybe that's just my inexperience. Maybe it was not me thinking hard enough. I'm not sure. I was a little bit uncertain how to do that."

Before Sunday, Janet Guthrie was the highest-finishing woman in the 500. She was 11th in 1980.

? Paul Newberry ?


JIMMIE THE SALESMAN: Jimmie Johnson is a heck of a driver.

He's not a bad salesman, either.

After winning the Daytona 500 for the second time, Johnson gave a shoutout to his sponsor Lowe's, the home improvement chain.

"Spring's coming," the five-time Cup champion said. "Go buy some stuff."

? Paul Newberry ?


JOHNSON WINS THE 500: Jimmie Johnson has won the Daytona 500 for the second time.

Johnson held off Dale Earnhardt Jr. to become the 10th driver with multiple wins in "The Great American Race."

Danica Patrick was running third heading to the final lap, but she dropped back to eighth as everyone jostled for position.

Still, it was the highest finish ever for a woman in NASCAR's signature event. Janet Guthrie finished 11th in 1980.

Johnson, a five-time champion, also won the 500 in 2006. But he's had some tough finishes in recent years, including a 42nd-place flameout in 2012.

? Paul Newberry ?


RACE TO THE END: The Daytona 500 is heading for a thrilling finish.

Jimmie Johnson leads and Danica Patrick is still in the mix after a late caution flag for debris on the track in turn two.

When the green flag came out with six laps to go, Johnson was followed by defending Cup champion Brad Keselowski, Denny Hamlin, Greg Biffle and Clint Bowyer. Patrick is running sixth.

? Paul Newberry ?


DOWN THE STRETCH: Defending Sprint Cup champion Brad Keselowski leads the Daytona 500 with 20 laps to go.

He's followed by Jimmie Johnson, Marcus Ambrose, Greg Biffle, Denny Hamlin and Danica Patrick.

? Paul Newberry ?


KENSETH OUT: There won't be a repeat winner at the Daytona 500.

Defending champ Matt Kenseth had led more laps than anyone when, suddenly, his car began smoking on lap 149. He headed to pit road and it didn't take long for the crew to push him behind the wall, ruining any hopes of becoming the first back-to-back winner since Sterling Marlin in 1994-95.

Kenseth and his new teammates at Joe Gibbs Racing, Kyle Busch and Denny Hamlin, were actually running 1-2-3 when Kenseth had some sort of engine or transmission problem. Just two laps later, Busch's car also went out, smoking as well, sending the driver of the No. 18 machine storming through the garage, ripping off his racesuit.

"It's really unfortunate," Busch said. "We were running 1-2-3 and it felt like we were dropping like flies. Something inside the motor broke that's not supposed to break. It's a little devastating when you're running 1-2-3 like that. Hopefully the No. 11 (Hamlin) can bring it home."

? Paul Newberry ?


EDWARDS' TOUGH MONTH: No one will be more eager than Carl Edwards to get out of Daytona.

The No. 99 team had a brutal month leading up to the NASCAR season opener, wrecking four times.

Make it five.

Edwards was caught up in a crash heading into turn one at the Daytona 500, another case of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trevor Bayne bumped Brad Keselowski from behind, which sent the No. 21 car sliding sideways.

With nowhere to go, Edwards was sent into the outside wall.

? Paul Newberry ?


SMOKE STEAMS: Tony Stewart has returned to the track at the Daytona 500.

But he's pretty much assured of going 0-for-15 in NASCAR's biggest race.

Stewart was 82 laps behind the leaders when he rolled out of the garage after an early crash. His frustration was never more evident than when he joined in the repair effort, banging on his No. 14 car with a hammer during the long stint in the paddock.

"To hell with the season," Stewart said. "I wanted to win the Daytona 500. We had a car that we could pass with today. We were passing cars by ourselves. I was so happy with our car, was just waiting for it to all get sorted out again. I don't know what started it, but we just got caught up in another wreck."

Stewart's misfortune came a day after he won the lower-division Nationwide race ? his 19th career triumph at Daytona.

None of them have come in the race he really wants.

? Paul Newberry ?


FAMILIAR SPOT: Matt Kenseth is back in a familiar spot.

Leading the Daytona 500.

Kenseth was running out front at the 100-lap mark, halfway through the biggest NASCAR race of the season.

While there's nothing unusual about Kenseth leading at Daytona, where he's won two of the last three years, it's a bit jarring to see him doing it in the No. 20 car.

Kenseth had spent his entire Cup career driving the No. 17 machine for Roush Fenway Racing, but he switched to Joe Gibbs Racing this season. He's got a new car, a new number, a new sponsor and a new team.

But he still knows how to run strong at Daytona.

? Paul Newberry ?


DANICAMANIA: Danica Patrick keeps making history.

The first woman to start from the pole at the Daytona 500 has become the first female to lead a lap in a NASCAR Cup race.

Patrick sent the huge crowd into a frenzy when she snatched the lead from Michael Waltrip on lap 90 after a series of pit stops under yellow. She led two laps before Denny Hamlin surged to the front.

But Patrick has shown her qualifying run was no fluke. She's got a strong car and has been in the top 10 all day as the 200-lap race approaches the midway point.

Patrick switched to NASCAR last year after becoming the first woman to lead laps at the Indianapolis 500, as well as being the first to win an IndyCar race.

Now, she's looking for a win in NASCAR's biggest event.

? Paul Newberry ?


AWKWARD: Rapper 50 Cent wasn't content just chatting up Erin Andrews.

He went in for a kiss.


In the strangest part of the buildup to the Daytona 500, Mr. Cent brought back memories of Joe Namath's awkward attempt to plant one on Suzy Kolber when he tried the same move with Andrews on pit road.

She turned her head one way, then the other, only allowing the "Candy Shop" rapper to get a peck on the cheek.

? Paul Newberry ?


BIG CRASH: We've had the first big wreck of the Daytona 500.

And a bunch of top contenders have seen their chances go up in smoke.

Former 500 winners Kevin Harvick, Tony Stewart and Jamie McMurray were caught up in the crash on lap 33. So was defending Sprint Cup champion Brad Keselowski.

The melee began coming through the tri-oval when Kasey Kahne's car began to slide across the track after appearing to get bumped from behind by Kyle Busch.

At least two other drivers also got caught up in the mess: Juan Pablo Montoya and Casey Mears. Joey Logano made a great move to dodge the spinning cars.

Pole sitter Danica Patrick made it through unscathed and remains near the front of the pack.

? Paul Newberry ?


HANG ON TIGHT: From one defending champion to another, Brad Keselowski had a piece of advice for Daytona 500 starter Ray Lewis:

Don't drop the flag.

The retired Baltimore Ravens star served as honorary starter for the Daytona 500. Lewis waved the green flag without incident Sunday to start the "Great American Race."

Lewis, who said he was nervous, got a quick tip from Keselowski.

"Brad texted me on the way in, the one rule is, don't drop the flag," Lewis said before the race. "I'm going to squeeze the flag very hard. I want to watch this and be a part of it. To be here is an awesome experience."

Lewis was one of several stars at Daytona International Speedway. Rappers T.I. and 50 Cent attended NASCAR's season opener, which has Danica Patrick starting on the pole.

Oscar-nominated actor James Franco was the grand marshall and said, "Drivers and Danica, start your engines!" The Zac Brown Band played a pre-race concert in the Daytona International Speedway infield. Band member Clay Cook performed the national anthem.

Retired baseball pitcher Tom Gordon, comedian Drew Carey, and Wes Welker and Steve Spurrier also were in attendance.

Lewis called Keselowski on the eve of the 2012 season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway and left him an inspirational voice message. Keselowski also often listens to Lewis' motivational speeches before races.

"I caught a glimpse of how he always watched my videos and it really inspired him," Lewis said. "That's when me and him really started having conversations with each other, and from there it just turned into a friendship. I send him motivational things, and heads-up on what I am doing, that's where the relationship has gone."

? Dan Gelston ?


DANICA DROPS BACK: Danica Patrick made history by becoming the first woman to start from the pole in a NASCAR Cup race.

But in the beginning of the Daytona 500, she failed to pull off another landmark.

Choosing the outside spot on the front row, Patrick gave up the lead to Jeff Gordon on the very first lap, missing out on an early chance to become the first female to lead a Cup lap.

Over the first 10 laps, she settled in behind Gordon and held on to the second spot in the 43-car field.

Patrick went on the radio before the race to thank her crew for giving her such a strong car. "I'll do the best job I can to do my end of the deal today," she said. "All in all, thank you for everything. You guys are awesome."

Later, Patrick sent the huge crowd into a frenzy when she snatched the lead from Michael Waltrip on lap 90 after a series of pit stops under yellow. She led two laps before Denny Hamlin surged to the front.

? Paul Newberry ?


FRANCO'S AUDIBLE: "Drivers ... and Danica!!! ... start your engines."

With that unique command, actor James Franco has ordered the 43 cars to fire up for the Daytona 500.

The duty is normally carried out with the most famous words in racing: "Gentlemen, start your engines."

Of course, this year is different. Danica Patrick is the first woman to start from the pole in a Cup race, and Franco hinted beforehand that he was planning an audible. As unpredictable as ever, he passed on a chance to copy the command that was used when Patrick raced in the Indianapolis 500, "Lady and gentlemen, start your engines."

Now, it's time to go racing at Daytona.

? Paul Newberry ?


A HEARTY BUNCH: NASCAR FANS RETURN TO DANGER ZONE: Say this about NASCAR fans: They don't frighten easily.

One day after a harrowing crash injured dozens of fans in the stands, those same seats are filling up for the Daytona 500.

No one seems too concerned.

"These should be good seats," said Rick Barasso, as he settled into a spot that was right in the danger zone when Kyle Larson's car slammed into the catch fencing on the final lap of a Nationwide Series race Saturday. "I mean, what are the chances of it happening again?"

That seems to be the attitude of the fans heading into the Daytona 500, the season-opening Cup race and biggest event on the NASCAR schedule. Most people say it's worth the risk to sit next to the ear-rattling action ? no more than 20 feet away for those in the first row. They love to hear the engines, smell the exhaust, and feel the wind whipping in their face as 43 cars go by at nearly 200 mph.

Still, there are a few fans fretting about the location of their seats.

Raymond Gober returned to the same location where he was nearly struck by a bolt from Larson's car. He scooped up the debris as a souvenir, though he acknowledged being a little nervous about his seat on the back row of the lower level. He even considered wearing his motorcycle helmet to the 500, but figured "everybody would start laughing at me." Next year, he plans to buy an upper-level seat in the main grandstand.

"My dad called and said, 'You're sitting in the same seats? "' Gober said. "He couldn't believe it."

There are grim reminders of what happened Saturday: a bloody spot that had been washed down (not entirely, though), a tire mark on a seat, another seat that was partially bent from getting struck by that same tire.

? Paul Newberry ?


EDITOR'S NOTE ? "Daytona 500 Watch" shows you the Daytona 500 and events surrounding the race through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter.

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Report: Microsoft Blue Is Coming this Summer with Internet Explorer 11 Baked In

Rumors of Windows Blue—Microsoft's push for a routine, yearly upgrade cycle—have been lurking in the shadows for a while now, and have been all but officially confirmed by some recent job postings. As we're getting closer to its inevitable roll-out, even more is coming to light. According to The Verge, it's coming as early as this summer, complete with Internet Explorer 11. More »


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N. Korea warns US general of 'miserable destruction'

Kns / AFP - Getty Images

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un (second right) waves to a crowd of military officials in this undated photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency Saturday.

PYONGYANG, North Korea -- North Korea warned the top American commander in South Korea on Saturday of "miserable destruction" if the U.S. military presses ahead with routine joint drills with South Korea set to begin next month.

Pak Rim Su, chief of North Korea's military delegation to the truce village of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone, sent the warning Saturday morning to Gen. James Thurman, Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency said, in a rare direct message to the U.S. commander.

South Korea and the U.S. regularly conduct joint drills such as the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises slated to take place next month.

North Korea calls the drills proof of U.S. hostility, and accuses Washington of practicing for an invasion.

North Korea releases a new propaganda video calling the U.S. hostile and showing images of President Obama superimposed with flames. Meanwhile, residents line the streets of Pyongyang celebrating the country's recent nuclear test.'s Dara Brown reports.

"You had better bear in mind that those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction," KCNA quoted Pak as saying in his message to Thurman. He called the drills "reckless."

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, meanwhile, has been making a round of visits to military units guiding troops in drills and exercises since the nuclear test, KCNA said.

The threat comes as the U.S. and other nations discuss how to punish North Korea for conducting an underground nuclear test on Feb. 12 in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions banning Pyongyang from nuclear and missile activity.

North Korea has characterized the nuclear test, its third since 2006, as a defensive act against U.S. aggression.

Pyongyang accuses Washington of "hostility" for leading the charge to punish North Korea for a December rocket launch that the U.S. considers a covert missile test.

The U.S. and North Korea fought on opposite sides of the three-year Korean War, which ended in a truce in 1953, not a peace treaty, and left the Korean Peninsula divided by a heavily fortified border monitored by the U.S.-led U.N. Command.

Washington also stations 28,500 American troops in South Korea to protect its ally against North Korean aggression.

The Associated Press


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Feds join civil lawsuit against Lance Armstrong

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has failed to talk the U.S. government out of suing him to recover sponsorship money that the U.S. Postal Service paid his teams to compete in international events, Armstrong's lawyer said on Friday.

Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and banned from cycling for life after accusations that he took performance-enhancing drugs. In January he said the accusations were true in an interview with television host Oprah Winfrey.

"Lance and his representatives worked constructively over these last weeks with federal lawyers to resolve this case fairly, but those talks failed because we disagree about whether the Postal Service was damaged," lawyer Robert Luskin said.

"The Postal Service's own studies show that the service benefited tremendously from its sponsorship - benefits totaling more than $100 million," the lawyer said in a statement.

Former Armstrong teammate Floyd Landis was believed to have filed a sealed whistleblower suit against Armstrong in 2010. A decision by the government to join the suit would trigger its unsealing.

A battle with the U.S. government over civil fraud charges would be a further fall in worldwide esteem for Armstrong. Criminal prosecutors have said they do not expect to charge him.

A U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman had no immediate comment. Public court records did not indicate that a lawsuit had been filed as of mid-day on Friday.


The government would sue under the False Claims Act, an 1863 law that encourages private individuals to file suit when they have evidence of fraud involving government money.

When the government believes a suit has merit, it may take over the litigation. The individuals, or whistleblowers, get a portion of the proceeds if the case is successful.

Since the law was revitalized in 1986, it has been used frequently against military contractors, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.

Armstrong is prepared to argue that claims over most of the sponsorship money are time-barred, a source close to his legal team said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The sponsorship agreement expired in 2004, and there is a six-year statute of limitations on recovery under a U.S. anti-fraud law, the source said.

The source raised two other arguments that could help Armstrong. First, the sponsorship contract did not contain specific language or promises related to doping.

Second, Armstrong was not in charge of Tailwind Sports, the racing team firm that signed the contract with the Postal Service and that existed before Armstrong joined it.

Luskin is among the most sought-after defense lawyers in Washington. He represented former White House adviser Karl Rove in a case about the leak of a CIA officer's name.

(Additional reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Howard Goller and Vicki Allen)


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It's official -- Adam Goldberg rules Vine

By Virginia Heffernan

This week the Academy Awards were officially renamed The Oscars. The rebranding suggests that Hollywood has, finally, lost some of the crippling status anxiety suggested by the creation of the pompously named ?Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.? The Oscars are at last like a J.D. who finally stops calling himself an attorney. He?s self-assured enough to be known as a lawyer.

It?s high time. The movie business is the granddaddy of American popular entertainment: It not only has a grown son?television?inflicted with status panic, but there?s also a teenage grandson?Internet video?to play enfant terrible.

That?s why I?m drawn, this Oscar season, to Vine. Vine is Twitter?s spellbinding new video app. We have no idea if it will convulse pop culture as the daguerreotype did in 1837, or the cinematograph in the 1890s. Or YouTube in 2005. Or Twitter in 2006. But the art Vine has engendered doesn?t look like pomp or bids for authority. It looks like actual art.

At the same time, Vine is only 4 weeks old. So we don?t know anything. But if, through chance, it does turn out to be a cultural convulsant, we know exactly who will be its Lumi?re brother and it's Ashton Kutcher, the early freestyler and medium-embracer who somehow instantly knows how to make hay of a new technology.

He?s Adam Goldberg. Recognize his name? If you are one of the ragtag few who currently Vine, you do?and maybe you have even noticed the hashtag #vinelikegoldberg. Goldberg is the maestro of the six-second looping Vine video; it is Goldberg?s dexterity and arid humor and trippy frisson to which we who use Vine aspire.

As Greg Boose put it in BlackBook magazine, ?Adam Goldberg somehow already owns Vine.?

But if you are not on Vine, meaning you?re every single person reading this except maybe seven, you may not remember Goldberg. Don?t bother with Wikipedia. All you need to know is that he played?with great skill?the Jewish dude in ?Saving Private Ryan,? a different dude in ?Dazed and Confused? and still another dude in ?Entourage.?

Goldberg?s father is Jewish, and his mother is a lapsed Catholic. He doesn?t cotton to either faith, but that religious abstinence doesn?t protect him from what he told me is ?garden-variety anti-Semitism,? which haunts the popular response to his online work. He takes that, and most other things, in stride.

What Goldberg is is an artist. It?s serious. He?s normal about it and doesn?t act Austrian or entitled, but he?s not giving up, either. As an actor, he turns in well-reviewed performances in movies and TV nearly all the time, dutifully collecting a union paycheck, but on the side he spins out music, films, videos. He does various weird be-in projects, like someone in Berlin, or Yoko Ono.

When it comes to getting digitized, Goldberg, at 42, has an invaluable asset: a digital-native girlfriend. The highly pregnant Roxanne Daner, who appears often in Goldberg?s work, is a distinguished illustrator and keen digital designer. Like others in her adventurous, coastal cohort, Daner divides her time between apps barely out of beta and Victorian-era crafting. Her design-firm bio reads, ?I am a Waldorfian. I spend my free time felting, doing eurythmy and going to the dog park.?

Ten years younger than her boyfriend, Daner turned Goldberg on to the digital. ?My friends were curmudgeonly about the Web,? Goldberg told me. ?I was just not of the generation. It?s not as though I was the first person to jump on MySpace.?

Five years ago, Daner persuaded Goldberg to try Facebook, where he experimented in conceptual art. He put up a three-minute Warholian video of his legs on a rowing machine. All of his status updates were Dada. But he couldn?t get any traction.

?We kept trying to create this narrative,? Goldberg told me. He opened a Tumblr to this end, and it became his artist?s notebook. The narrative he and Daner were making came to involve surrealism, deadpan satire, dream sequences, groovy design, left-wing politics, and the ingenuous and quirky romance that defines Goldberg?s and Daner?s sweet interaction with each other.

Goldberg, who plays guitar and whose resonant, spiky way of talking has won him voice parts in animated movies, then put out two records. One was with a band he called The Goldberg Sisters. He used what he called ?a draggy voice? and sometimes screamed. The Goldberg Sisters were featured on ?The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson.?

This might have been a big break, except that Goldberg was told he couldn?t mention a website?his Tumblr?on the show; he could only promote movies and CDs. Goldberg resigned himself, again, to producing Tumblr art for Tumblr art?s sake.?

Tumblr eventually ?became an exercise in OCD,? said Goldberg. ?I put an imposition on myself where I had to post a photo every other day and a recording every other day. That?s how I wrote my last record.?

So that?s where Goldberg was ??toiling in the nether regions of social networking, creating all sorts of stuff that nobody paid attention to??when someone his girlfriend knew told them about Vine, the app with a cool cutting feature that lets you make six-second repeating videos and share them on Twitter.

Something in Vine?s runic brevity, its looping broken-record feature and its temptation to jump cuts and stop motion, encouraged artsy projects from the start. And you couldn?t fuss too much or get too perfectionist. The Vines are posted to Vine?and Twitter and Facebook, if you choose?almost the second they?re done. I mean, they don?t have to be and you can delete them, but the technology, like Twitter itself, biases you toward publication and discourages video-hoarding.

The performance art Goldberg and Daner had been doing?singing, playing guitar and violin, acting, taking pictures, felting?perfectly suited the Vine. The first set of videos they made shows Goldberg as a speedy, addled Goldberg, developing a Vine obsession, but also cross-dressing and ventriloquizing and freaking out, while a concerned Daner and her friend Merritt look on.

Though Goldberg has said he saw horror potential in the app from the start, his early videos had comedy in them. More recently, he?s titrated out the humor entirely and put a conceptual acid-head kaleidoscope in its place. He?s hit his stride.

?I skipped my funny phase as a filmmaker,? he told me, explaining in part why he hasn?t gone the route of the Hollywood goofballs who like to chip off chuckly videos for "Funny or Die."

With the sheepishness known to anyone between 40 and 50 who unironically admits to liking art, Goldberg sighed. ?At the end of the day the things that turn me on are kind of aural-visual dream sequences,? he said.

Goldberg pioneered for Vine what he called a ?thumb-tapping technique? that makes the video stutter, where the audio seems to have a mind of its own. He also makes Vines that use other Vines and puts glass over his iPhone?s lens, and otherwise distorts the film so much that its looping and shortness start to seem like the least weird part of it.

Now that he?s put Polaroids of things reflected in mirrors in his Vines?the ancient mirror, the 20th-century Polaroid and the weeks-old Vine?Goldberg has developed new awe about the iPhone.

?The iPhone has a lens and a recording device and an input,? he told me by phone. ?You can do anything with a lens, a recording device and an input. I can?t believe we?re talking on the same device that I used to make the Vines.?

I looked at my iPhone. I put Goldberg on speakerphone for a little bit and listened to his rapid, happy voice.

?This is where things get exciting for me,? Goldberg said. And then he went to make another Vine.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

China admits pollution linked to 'cancer villages'...

AFP - China's environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of "cancer villages", several years after widespread speculation first began that polluted areas were seeing a higher incidence of the disease.

The use of the term in an official report, thought to be unprecedented, comes as authorities face growing discontent over industrial waste, hazardous smog and other environmental and health consequences after years of rapid development.

"Poisonous and harmful chemical materials have brought about many water and atmosphere emergencies... certain places are even seeing 'cancer villages'," said a five-year plan that was highlighted this week.

The report did not elaborate on the phenomenon, which has no technical definition but gained prominence in domestic and foreign media after a Chinese journalist posted a map in 2009 pinpointing dozens of such "cancer villages".

But the ministry acknowledged that in general China uses "poisonous and harmful chemical products" that are banned in developed countries and "pose long-term or potential harm to human health and the ecology".

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa, who runs an aid centre in Beijing for victims of pollution, said Friday it was the first time the "cancer village" phrase had appeared in a ministry document.

"It shows that the environment ministry has acknowledged that pollution has led to people getting cancer," he said. "It shows that this issue, of environmental pollution leading to health damages, has drawn attention."

A ministry official who declined to be named could not confirm whether it was the first time it had used the phrase, but said it had previously acknowledged the connection between the environment and human health.


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CRIME: Police make Welland bank robbery arrest | Bullet News ...

Bullet News

WELLAND ? Niagara Regional Police have made an arrest in connection with a December bank robbery in Welland.

The arrest was announced Thursday.

It stems from an incident on Dec. 21.

Around noon that day, a lone male armed with a handgun entered the Caisse Populaire, located at 59 Empire Rd. and demanded money from the teller.

However, police say the robbery was thwarted by a ?brave? customer, who intervened and forced the suspect to flee.

?Vital? evidence was left behind, which helped police in their investigation.

Shawn Bottenfield, 42, is charged with robbery with a firearm.

The accused was held in custody pending a bail hearing in St. Catharines court.


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What's the Best MLM Company for you Join? - Empower Network

Without doing what others would do and just pitching mine, I?m gonna give you the answer to? the question of what is the Best MLM Company for YOU to join.

Best Home Based Business?

Before we get into this article,? just know that there are a LOT of options when it comes to home? based businesses. I personally think that network marketing is the best option for a home based business for two major reasons:

1. It has built in leverage. I remeber i was once told that its better to make 1% of 100 peoples earnings rather than to earn 100% of my own earnings. I think that model is STILL better than a job, don?t get me wrong, but if you?re only earning off your own efforts, you are still just trading dollars for hours.

2. The mentoring and training. Mentoring and training you get with a good upline in a network marketing is worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. You just don?t get that for cheap in any other? business model like you do in MLM.

So, what is the Best MLM Company for You?

I was at the grocery store recently and ran into some friends of mine that used to attend networking events? here in Savannah Georgia. A lot of times I run into people I have not seen in a long time and because of the power of the internet? they ask me this question, ?What is the best MLM company to join nowadays ??

Now, even though they have seen me focused on my primary business the last seven months, go from working multiple jobs and side hustles to make ends meet, to now where i have quit those jobs and spend a majority of my time working from the comfort of my home, they now believe there?s some new kind of? MLM out there that will take off and? be the perfect fit for them and will make them a ton of money. They think that because I have had success that it?s ?too late? to do well with the company I?m a part of. Now this is NOT the case however let?s focus on how to pick the best MLM.

How to Increase Your Chances of Success

Just having the flashiest or newest product, compensation plan or even company is not the way to increase your chance of success. The biggest thing you should look for in a network marketing company, are?Training, mentorship and grooming. These are THE most valuable keys to choosing which network marketing company to join. Some people make the assumption that when you join a top earner, they won?t have time for you but that is not entirely true. In my opinion, no one, SHOULD have time to cheer-lead you everyday or call you to increase your motivation for the growth and development of YOUR business. That is not the job of a mentor in network marketing, you should come to the table motivated and willing to be coached and learn how to become top earner yourself. Choosing the Best MLM company for you has more to do with what you are willing to do than what?s ?hot at the moment?.

To Your Massive Success

Hopefully This Blog Post Helped You Out? Although i didn?t name any specific Companies, You Should now have a Better idea of What You are Looking For.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Man dies from gunshot wound ... 36 years later

Johnson (ABC/News 10)

Police in Sacramento, Calif., are investigating the death of a 62-year-old man who died from a shooting?36 years after it happened.

Walter Johnson Jr., who was left paralyzed from the 1977 attack, died from complications related to his paralysis, leading police to rule his death a homicide. They are asking the public for help in its investigation.

It's technically the fourth homicide in the California state capital this year.

According to a press release issued by the Sacramento Police Department, Johnson was driving to his parent's home on April 9, 1977, at approximately 3:48 a.m. when three unidentified men blocked the roadway. They confronted Johnson in his vehicle, and a struggle ensued. Johnson was shot in the upper body. The suspects then robbed Johnson and "fled in a red or brown Ford Pinto." The three suspects?described as Hispanic adults?were never apprehended.

Police are hoping that advances in technology, and perhaps even guilty consciences, may lead to a break in the cold case.

"Sometimes people ... want to talk about it over the years," SPD spokeswoman Michele Gigante told the Sacramento Press. "It's still up in the air at this point, but do I think we have a good chance of solving this? Sure."

Sacramento police are offering up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest.


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Cougar Energy's Queensland coal drive fuelled by oversubscribed capital raising

Cougar Energy
Full Cougar Energy profile here

Cougar Energy (ASX:CXY) is a leading Australian clean energy and resources company at the forefront of development and commercialisation of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) in Asia. Cougar Energy?s strategic vision is to become the leading clean energy provider across Asia.


Cougar Energy's Queensland coal drive fuelled by oversubscribed capital raising

Thursday, February 21, 2013 by Bevis Yeo

(ASX: CXY) has received a concrete show of support from investors with the successful completion of its oversubscribed A$1 million capital raising.

?The success of this capital raising signifies investors? confidence in our recently announced plans to enhance the value of the Company?s coal assets,? managing director Rob Neill said.

The placement of 208,600,000 new fully paid ordinary shares at A$0.005 per share was made to sophisticated and professional investors in Australia.

This was lead managed and arranged by BW Equities. A number of BW Equities? institutional and sophisticated investors also subscribed to the company?s shares for the first time.

Cougar chairman Malcolm McAully welcomed the new shareholders that joined its register as it continued its repositioning and transformation.

?This capital injection will support our strategies to rejuvenate and generate long term value for our shareholders.?

Maiden JORC coal resource on the radar

Cougar has recently outlined plans for its maiden JORC drilling program at its Mackenzie PCI coal tenement (EPC 1445) in Queensland?s Bowen Basin.

Mackenzie has an exploration target of 120 million to 170 million tonnes and is adjacent to the Jellinbah (PCI) and Yarrabee (PCI and Thermal) coal mines.

The maiden JORC report is expected to be issued 90 days after completion of the seven hole drilling program.

Underground coal gasification

The company is also continuing to work with MedcoEnergi in Indonesia and Hulaan Corporation in Mongolia on progressing various underground coal gasification opportunities in those countries.

Cougar plans to develop a 30 megawatt power plant using UCG gas feedstock in Indonesia, whose Government has set coal resource upgrading and developing stranded coal resources as some of its key objectives.

It has also signed off on a Memorandum of Understanding with Hulaan to assess its coal assets for UCG development potential.


The strong response from sophisticated and professional investors to Cougar?s capital raising is a sign of the support of the company?s plans to to embark on maiden JORC Resource drilling at its? Mackenzie PCI coal tenement in Queensland.

Generating a maiden JORC resource for Mackenzie is key step in its strategy to focus on realising value from its conventional coal assets and would be a milestone and catalyst for a potential re-rating of the company.


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