Sunday, May 20, 2012

exercise question?? | Health and Fitness

Question by little_kitty: exercise question??
I normally do NOT exercise but in these couple of days I did and pretty hard ones to I go to yoga lessons, aerobics, pilates sculpt+machines, cardio..etc anyway (I know it?s normal ) the pain was excoriating! really I mean like right now I can barely stand and walk every were hurts! and finally my question is what should I do now?? should I go back (which I did today after taking 2 exta strengh pain killers and I only did it because my mom told me if you wont go the PAIN will get worse, is that true?)
any way I didn?t attend all the classes today because I just couldn?t (I?m in this health club so..) I want to be fit I?m eating right (thank god I don?t have problems with food! actually I prefer and love healthy food) but the problem is the exercising part you know for a long lasting healthy life that?s were I?m a bit confused so if you please help me ..!!


Best answer:

Answer by Dr Batta
For starters, you need to tone up first, do the small amount of exercise for a week and then increase. You ran into exercise headlong. Now go slow and continue doing, it will abet. Keep eating good varied diet and you will be OK.

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