Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rope a Dope: Drug Testing in Sports Enters a More Aggressive Era

Features | Health

Unusual variations in an athlete's blood could determine guilt, even if no illegal substances are found

doping in sportsCAT AND MOUSE: Will regulatory agencies ever be able to get ahead of dopers and drug cheats? Image: ? Sezer Yadigar/iStockphoto

For thousands of world-class athletes, a passport is something they can't forget to pack before heading off to London for the summer Olympic games. But for a few athletes, a different kind of passport is keeping them out of competition entirely.

A new anti-doping program known as the athlete biological passport (ABP), which looks for indirect evidence that an athlete has cheated, is being implemented by several international sports authorities. Already the testing scheme, developed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has ensnared world-class athletes?and survived a challenge to its validity.

The London Olympics mark the first summer games in which the ABP will be in use alongside traditional drug screenings. And for competitors in sports that have taken up the program, such as cycling and track and field, dreams of Olympic glory will depend on their test results?past and present.

Rather than screening an athlete's blood or urine samples for traces of banned substances right before or after a competition, testers using the ABP scheme compare samples with an athlete's baseline profile, as determined by multiple tests over time. In the absence of a legitimate physiological explanation, such as an illness or a natural response to changing altitude, variations in an athlete's biological samples can reveal wrongdoing even if the specific doping agent or process remains undetected. For instance, a sudden change in the number of reticulocytes, or immature blood cells, might provide indirect evidence that an athlete has used erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that stimulates the generation of red blood cells and boosts the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Similar tests can assess levels of the respiratory pigment hemoglobin, which can also reveal instances of blood manipulation to enhance oxygen transport.

"In this way, the athlete becomes his own reference point," says WADA medical director Alan Vernec. "Otherwise you're forever chasing after new types of substances or agents that are being developed."

So far the biological passport has been applied primarily to detect instances of blood doping, but the same strategy could be used on urine samples to identify users of anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, the ABP is unlikely to supplant conventional testing schemes that detect prohibited molecules, such as steroids or human growth hormone, in blood and urine. Anti-doping experts view the passport approach as a complement to such tests, which continue to catch athletes breaking the rules.

Indeed, conventional testing still plays a significant role in cycling, the first major sport to sign on to WADA's passport approach. In the highest-profile recent case, Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador was issued a two-year suspension and stripped of his 2010 Tour de France win after a sample that year tested positive for clenbuterol, which WADA classifies as an anabolic agent.

The International Cycling Union (UCI), suffering from a severe credibility problem, adopted the ABP in 2008, collecting about 10 blood samples each from more than 800 riders over the course of the year. But implementation of the ABP has not been without twists and turns. Cyclist Franco Pellizotti, who raced for Italy in the 2008 Olympics, was suspended in 2010 for irregularities in his blood profile that indicated "enhancement of oxygen transfer." But the rider was soon exonerated by the Italian Olympic committee, which held that the evidence against Pellizotti was insufficient to prove his guilt.

The cycling union appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Switzerland, which last year overturned the Italian committee's decision and reinstated Pellizotti's two-year ban from cycling. The court also upheld a two-year ban for Italian rider Pietro Caucchioli; the cyclist's variations in hemoglobin concentration over a span of several months, the court ruled, "could not be considered as physiological" and hence demonstrated doping to enhance the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=fa309c7ca1c943601dab5f576268ed69

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A Quick Guide On Cleaning Headstones, Memorials And Mausoleums

One of the most overlooked areas of stone care is the cemetery. If you have ever visited a cemetery and looked around, what you would see is that many of the headstones are in poor condition. The reason for this is that the cemetery is not responsible for the care of the headstones or memorials. They are only responsible for keeping up the grounds that surround them. This makes the family members responsible for the cleaning and the care of the stone.

The other challenge is that most of the family members are not going to know how to clean the headstone properly and the cemetery staff usually won?t be able to help in this area. There is also not a lot of information out there on this subject. Here are a few basic things to consider when cleaning those precious headstones.

First things to know is if you are not comfortable or you are afraid you may ruin the stone, contact a service expert that may be able to assist you in this area. They can ensure the work is done properly and professionally.

The next step is to determine and find out what type of stone you will be working with. Generally, these stones are made up of either granite, marble and occasionally limestone and sandstone. It is important to know which stone it is because certain cleaning chemicals can be very destructive when used on the wrong stone. Acidic cleaners may be fine for granite, but with etch and dissolve marble and limestone. So don?t just rush out and buy any stone cleaner.


If you are dealing with marble stone, then it is extremely important that you stay away from acidic chemicals such as vinegar, cleaners containing lemon, masonry cleaners, CLR, or tile cleaners and various mildew removers. Check the product ingredients before using. Remember, stay away from anything acidic. A good marble cleaner and polish will do the trick, as it is safe on all cemetery stone surfaces. Please remember that when you are cleaning this stone, stay away from any harsh abrasives as well as wire brushes and any hard tools or cleaning materials.


Granite, unlike marble, is a much harder stone. It is also highly resistant to acids and will not etch or leave dull spots like marble. Granite is a great choice for headstones because of these reasons. A good granite cleaner should be used to clean this stone.


Limestone is another choice used for headstones and memorials. Limestones are made up of calcite from shells, coral and other sea debris. It is considered sedimentary rock. The coarse grain of some limestones give them excellent durability, but here again they are susceptible to acid attack. Drop a drop of vinegar or place a lemon wedge on such a stone and it will leave a mark etched into the surface where it has dissolved away the stone within a few minutes.


The stone can be found in older headstones and is rarely used today. This stone is coarse and loose in texture. Sandstone is very resistant to acid and is rarely polished, but can be damaged with abrasives or brushes.


Once cleaned, one is ready to seal. Sealing prevents discoloration should a colored liquid be allowed to seep into the stone. In effect, seals are designed to minimize staining. Once cleaned, you may want to periodically seal the surface with a stone sealer.

So here are just a few of the things to stay away from when cleaning your precious stone:

1. Abrasives

2. Acids

3. Pressure Washing

4. Heat and Torches

5. Miscellaneous Chemical Cleaners

There are many good cleaners and polishes out there that you can use to get the job done properly. Once cleaned, seal.

Remember, if you?re not comfortable doing the job, a stone care professional is just a quick phone call away.

To purchase the full guide to properly clean and maintain your stone, go to our website. To request a FREE estimate from one of our service professionals call1-888-463-2780. Quicklinks For The Website: Cleaning Headstones, Stone Care Products

Source: http://toddsblogs.com/referenceandeducation/2012/07/31/a-quick-guide-on-cleaning-headstones-memorials-and-mausoleums/

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PFT: Gates 'looks skinny,' burning CBs in practice

Tim TebowAP

Tim Tebow is capable of throwing an accurate ball. ?He?s just not capable of doing so consistently.

But he says he?s not bothered by criticism of his throwing ability.

?First of all it is not my place to try and debate and make myself look good,? Tebow told ESPN New York?s Stephen A. Smith and Ryan Ruoco, via SportsRadioInterviews.com, after Smith told Tebow that Smith doesn?t have confidence in the way Tebow throws. ??That?s not my place at all. ?I appreciate you complementing?me saying that I have an impact and that I can win football games. ?I really appreciate that and just as far as getting better throwing I?ve been working extremely hard on that.?

That?s classic Tebow, turning the backhand into a bouquet. ?And then, after saying it?s not his place to make himself look good, he tries to make himself look good.

?I feel like in my career I?ve done some good things. ?I think second in the history of college football as far as my rating. . . . ?did pretty well,? Tebow said. ??Definitely some things I am working on as far as mechanic-wise to get better in the NFL and improve. ?You can see that in certain situations I?ve done that. ?In certain situations I have tried to be very careful with the ball and not have a lot of turnovers and so there are some situations where I probably should have forced some more balls in there. ?There are some situations where I feel like I have done some good things. I am just going to continue to get better, but I appreciate the complements and the rest I use as motivation.?

Tebow also addressed the fine line he?s walking between supporting starter Mark Sanchez and ?absolutely? competing with Sanchez. ?Smith say it?s a contradiction. ?(And we agree with Smith.)

?I disagree with you that it?s contradicting yourself,? Tebow said. ??I think there are things that are more important than football games. ?Your relationship, how you treat people, and relationships in general, that?s more important to me than football games. ?We spend a lot of time, we?re passionate about it, but ultimately football is not the most important thing, but as far as rooting someone on, supporting them? ?You can do that with still trying to go out there and do your best. ?And if your best is better, than so be it. ?If it?s not then you have to do the other roles you are asked to do. ?I don?t think you have to have an attitude where you have to say, ?I don?t want someone to do their best.? ?Absolutely not. ?I want them to do their best. ?I just want to do my best and continue to develop to the best that I can be and if that?s good enough to go out there and be a starting quarterback then that?s great. ?If it?s not I am going to ask whatever role I am asked to do.?

Tebow doesn?t know what role(s) he?ll be asked to do. ??I gotta be 100 percent honest. ?You know, I?m not sure,? Tebow said. ??I think for me it?s whatever I?m asked to do, I do it with all my heart. ?I try to do a great job at it. ?We?re in day four, so just continuing to learn. ?We?re continuing to learn the coaches, they?re learning us, learning the offense, learning installs. ?So it?s so early in the process that I have to say I can?t give you a straight answer on that.?

He can honestly say he?s not sure about his role(s) because he?s honest in his ambition to become the starting quarterback. ?If he?s not the starter, then he?ll be the Wildcat quarterback and the personal punt protector and a member of the kickoff team and a member of the kick return team and maybe a fullback/H-back/right tackle.

But Tebow wants to be the starter. ?And that will serve only to fuel the media and the fans who want to see Tebow play if Sanchez struggles.

And that?s why the Jets would be better off if Tebow were to stand up and say that he fully supports Mark Sanchez, that Tebow accepts the team?s repeated statements that Sanchez is the starter, and that Tebow will do whatever he is asked to do as the backup quarterback and whatever else the team asks him to do.

But Tebow is less likely to do that than he is to run wind sprints in the rain with his shirt on.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/07/31/gates-looks-skinny-burning-cornerbacks-in-practice/related

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Small Business Accounting Software: What You Ought to Search for ...

Things can turn into sophisticated true fast, specially if your software package is not able to combine transactions from various accounts. Comprehensive accounting computer software makes it simple to manage the distinct guides of accounts that affect critical organization procedures like account receivables, account payables, payroll and sales. A sensible software program package will make sure that all accounts impacted by any transaction are up to date on actual time foundation.

Funds Movement Administration
Income flow needs need to be watched on a regular basis. There are instances when firms are in want of cash, yet they are unable to produce it. Similarly, investing way too considerably funds in present procedures could slow the progress of a business company. Consequently, it is important to continually keep track of business cash flows. Contemporary accounting software for businesses guarantees that enterprise organizations can optimize their offered income in hand effectively and proficiently.

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Financial projections engage in an important purpose in placing the long term path for any organization. Future income and expenditure projections by management can be subject matter to overestimation. However, modern accounting software package for organizations can make foreseeable future estimations dependent on the real info obtainable. These projections are nearer to the real daily life financial predicament of an organization.

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A lot of organization businesses count on the modern e-commerce method for getting repayments. These repayments can be received through a merchant payment processing system. Present day software must be in a position to file all the transactions produced utilizing a merchant payment processing program. This will help organization companies maintain a monitor of all their revenues acquired in the merchant payment account.

Money Asset Administration
Richesse belongings like vehicles, gear, furniture and other set kinds need to have to be recorded on value basis. Business companies often need to acquire and sell property. This asset administration requires lots of complex monetary transactions like shifting depreciation approaches, investing aged assets with new types, selecting on investments necessary for buying much more assets, calculating an asset's salvage benefit, and many others. All these can be completed with and simplicity by using modern payroll and accounting software package deals.

With the stop of economic 12 months drawing in close proximity to, what much better time is there to evaluation your organizations processes and systems? Frequently companies run oblivious to the truth they have outgrown their accounting offers. Time and once again businesses will battle to find signifies and techniques of dealing with the inadequacies of their existing system, without having getting the time to contemplate what a present day higher conclude ERP method can provide. When this takes place, it really is time to upgrade their program to a secure, trustworthy accounting software remedy with advanced features, the potential to automate a lot more tasks and the scalability to enable it to grow as their organization continues to grow.

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Source: http://www.yapperz.com/diediklinge37/blog/small-business-accounting-software-what-you-ought-to-search-for/

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Source: http://twitter.com/virusbtn/statuses/229566309564825601

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Colorado shooting suspect to be charged

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) - The former graduate student accused of killing 12 people in a shooting spree at a Denver-area movie house was due to make a second court appearance on Monday as prosecutors and defense lawyers sparred over a mysterious package sent to his psychiatrist.

James Holmes, 24, was arrested shortly after prosecutors say he opened fire at a packed midnight movie premiere of "A Dark Knight Rises" on July 20. Criminal charges against Holmes, who has remained jailed since his arrest, were expected to be formally presented at Monday's hearing.

He is also accused of wiring his apartment with enough explosives to have leveled the entire building had they been detonated. It took authorities several days to safely dismantle and dispose of the booby traps.

The rampage in the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado, ranks as one of the nation's bloodiest mass shootings in recent years. It left 12 dead and 58 injured, several critically.

Ashley Moser, the critically injured mother of the 6-year-old girl killed in the rampage, suffered a miscarriage, her family said on Saturday.

At his initial court hearing one week ago, Holmes said nothing and appeared dazed and groggy, occasionally closing his eyes as if fighting off sleep. Courtroom spectators, including relatives of some of the victims, stared intently at the defendant, his tousled hair still dyed the bright orange color it was the night of his arrest, as he stared into space.

What if anything investigators might have learned about a motive for the shooting has remained shrouded in secrecy.

Arapahoe County District Judge William Sylvester has sealed most court records and investigative documents from public scrutiny and barred anyone connected with the case from speaking to the media.

Sylvester has said he will consider a request by news media organizations to unseal documents in the case.

Holmes, a San Diego native, was a doctoral student of neuroscience at the Anschutz campus before dropping out recently.

Court documents filed on Friday by defense lawyers said the suspect had been under the care of a psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, who is on the faculty of the University of Colorado-Denver's Anschutz Medical Campus.


The hearing on Monday will also address a package that Holmes sent to Dr. Fenton and was later seized by investigators.

The university confirmed earlier this week that a suspicious package was delivered by mail on Monday and that it was "immediately investigated and handed over to authorities within hours," but gave no further details of the parcel.

Defense attorneys are seeking a court order requiring prosecutors to immediately turn over all evidence pertaining to the seizure of a package, citing doctor-patient privilege.

"Mr. Holmes was a psychiatric patient of Dr. Fenton, and his communications with her are protected," the filing said, adding the judge should impose sanctions for leaks of privileged material.

Prosecutors urged the judge to deny the defense request, arguing that it was based on erroneous assumptions that stemmed from flawed, unconfirmed media accounts.

The prosecution's filing specifically disputed details of a Fox News report last week that two packages had been sent by Holmes to a university psychiatrist and that one contained a notebook detailing the shooting scenario, including stick-figure drawings.

Friday's defense motion provided the first definitive public inkling that Holmes was known to have suffered psychiatric problems before the shooting.

Fenton, the medical director for student mental health services at the Anschutz campus, provides medication and psychotherapy for grad students in addition to her teaching duties, according to a school website.

She is listed as a member of the campus-based "behavioral assessment and threat assessment team," which helps faculty and staff deal with "individuals who may be threatening, disruptive or otherwise problematic."

It was not immediately clear could if Fenton was caring for Holmes under the threat-assessment program or under routine counseling she provided to students on campus.

Under Colorado law, mental health professionals cannot be held liable in civil suits for failing to predict a patient's violent behavior unless it involves a "serious threat of imminent physical violence against a specific person or persons." When such a threat is made, the mental health professional is required to take action, which may include notifying those targeted or a law enforcement agency.

Fenton could not be reached for comment. A spokeswoman for the University of Colorado medical school declined to comment, citing restrictions under the judge's gag order in the case.

(Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Edith Honan and Eric Walsh)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/colorado-shooting-suspect-faces-formal-charges-court-060514517.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Teething Baby? Avoid Benzocaine, FDA Says

SUNDAY, July 29 (HealthDay News) -- Parents should not use benzocaine products to relieve teething pain in babies except under the advice and supervision of a health care professional, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic found in over-the-counter products such as Anbesol, Orajel, Baby Orajel, Orabase and Hurricane.

The use of benzocaine gels and liquids to relieve gum and mouth pain can lead to a rare but potentially deadly condition called methemoglobinemia, in which the amount of oxygen carried through the bloodstream is greatly reduced. Children under 2 years old are at particular risk for the condition, the FDA said in a news release.

The agency first warned about the potential dangers of benzocaine in 2006 and has since received 29 reports of benzocaine gel-related cases of methemoglobinemia. Nineteen of those cases occurred in children, 15 of them under 2 years of age.

The FDA also noted that parents may have difficulty recognizing the symptoms of methemoglobinemia, which include: pale, gray or blue-colored skin, lips and nail beds; shortness of breath; fatigue; confusion; headache; light-headedness and rapid heart rate.

Symptoms can occur within minutes to hours after benzocaine use, and after using the drug for the first time or after several uses. Parents should immediately call 911 (or the local emergency number outside the United States) if a child has symptoms of methemoglobinemia after being given benzocaine, the FDA said in the news release.

Instead of using benzocaine to ease teething pain, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that parents give a child a teething ring chilled in the refrigerator, or use a finger to gently rub or massage the child's gums.

More information

The MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia has more about teething.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/teething-baby-avoid-benzocaine-fda-says-130412475.html

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Hardwood flooring installation Danville condo progression mass

Hardwood flooring installation Danville condo progression mass
by Gregory J Garver
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While the economy has slowed since the financial down turn and triggered constructing to return to an entire halt and even put many construction companies out of business Lafayette has seen important increases in residential building. This has been largely due to excessive tech jobs which have pulled talent from all over the world of that many employees have gone to the outer edge of Pleasant hills. This inflow of excessive paying opportunities has elevated custom constructing and apartment building as well. In some circumstances many business owners are even offering careers with a place to stay and a 10,000 moving expense blank expense account for moving cost. This sort of inflow of high paying jobs has increased the general construction in the San Ramon area from construction jobs to home decor. These houses and flats are absolutely up to date with wood floors. Corporations in the San Ramon space which has induced a trickle effect helping the over all economy for the general area. I had a chance to look at a few of the properties that were being restored and whereas I was there they were laying new wood floors. The corporate Fine Floorz from the city of Walnut Creek was placing the brand new floors in the living room and bamboo flooring within the lavatory and cooking area areas. The person installing stated that they'd been very busy the last few months and went on to elucidate the various kinds of terrazzo they were installing. Flooring is available in many alternative materials and styles, and each sort of Flooring companies Walnut Creek has a look that can change a house and give it its personal specific and original style. It is important to find flooring materials that is similar to the age and style of your home or condo. Tiles are a sort of onerous flooring and are available in a wide range of natural and man-made materials. Ceramic tiles, glass tiles, slate and marble are simply a few of the selections accessible and each include their very own professionals and cons. The primary advantage of tiles is that they're extremely hard and if well maintained will last a really lengthy time. As they are waterproof they are effectively suited to areas akin to bathrooms and utility rooms straightforward to wash and are additionally perfect for kitchens. However, tiles can be chilly underfoot and could be slippery when moist so are usually not suited for older folks or kids. If they've an complex pattern they can be tough to fit as well as being expensive and semi-permanent. They're also noisy and require different softer surfaces to scale back the amount of sound in a area. Flooring companies Danville additionally seen as hard hardwood flooring but being a bit softer than tiles they are also hotter underfoot. With the huge range of natural tones obtainable they may also help and make a warm and happy feeling and although they are often noisy, if sprung it may well help to scale back clamor and add bounce to the floorboards. The downside of wood floors is that they're normally manufactured from softer wood and subsequently can dimple easily especially by the heels of boots and shoes. Wood floors are subsequently finest suited for rooms that don't obtain heavy usage comparable to dining areas. The dark wood floors the hardwood contractor was laying was very attractive so We decided to really give the specialist a call or email to have them make available the flooring craftmanship for my wife seeing as they seemed so stunning. About, a small number of days shortly We made the jump and had the wood floor installers at our house. My wood flooring came out wonderful! I had a remarkable encounter with Wood floor installation Pleasant hills and would propose them to everybody looking a wood floor company in Pleasant Hills.

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Gregory J Garver

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Hardwood flooring installation Danville condo progression mass

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    Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Team describes protective role of skin microbiota

    Friday, July 27, 2012

    Although immune cells in the skin protect against harmful organisms, until now, it has not been known if the millions of naturally occurring commensal bacteria in the skin?collectively known as the skin microbiota?also have a beneficial role. Using mouse models, the NIH team observed that commensals contribute to protective immunity by interacting with the immune cells in the skin. Their findings appear online on July 26th in Science.

    The investigators colonized germ-free mice (mice bred with no naturally occurring microbes in the gut or skin) with the human skin commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis. The team observed that colonizing the mice with this one species of good bacteria enabled an immune cell in the mouse skin to produce a cell-signaling molecule needed to protect against harmful microbes. The researchers subsequently infected both colonized and non-colonized germ-free mice with a parasite. Mice that were not colonized with the bacteria did not mount an effective immune response to the parasite; mice that were colonized did.

    In separate experiments, the team sought to determine if the presence or absence of commensals in the gut played a role in skin immunity. They observed that adding or eliminating beneficial bacteria in the gut did not affect the immune response at the skin. These findings indicate that microbiota found in different tissues?skin, gut, lung?have unique roles at each site and that maintaining good health requires the presence of several different sets of commensal communities.

    This study provides new insights into the protective role of skin commensals, and demonstrates that skin health relies on the interaction of commensals and immune cells. Further research is needed, say the authors, to determine whether skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis may be caused or exacerbated by an imbalance of skin commensals and potentially harmful microbes that influence the skin and its immune cells.


    NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: http://www.niaid.nih.gov

    Thanks to NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for this article.

    This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

    This press release has been viewed 60 time(s).

    Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122114/Team_describes_protective_role_of_skin_microbiota

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    • Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in theUnited States. More than 3.5 million skin cancers in over two million people are diagnosed annually.
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    • One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.
    • Over the past 31 years, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined.
    • Nearly 800,000 Americans are living with a history of melanoma and 13 million are living with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer, typically diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.
    • Actinic keratosis is the most common precancer; it affects more than 58 million Americans. Approximately 65 percent of all squamous cell carcinomas arise in lesions that previously were diagnosed as actinic keratoses. In patients with a history of two or more skin cancers, 36 percent of basal cell carcinomas arise in lesions previously diagnosed as actinic keratoses.
    • Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer; an estimated 2.8 million are diagnosed annually in theUS.BCCs are rarely fatal, but can be highly disfiguring if allowed to grow.
    • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. An estimated 700,000 cases are diagnosed each year in theUS, resulting in approximately 2,500 deaths.
    • Between 40 and 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have either skin cancer at least once.
    • About 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
    • Treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancers increased by nearly 77 percent between 1992 and 2006.


    • One person dies of melanoma every hour (every 62 minutes).
    • One in 55 people will be diagnosed with melanoma during their lifetime.
    • Melanoma is the most common form of cancer for young adults 25-29 years old and the second most common form of cancer for young people 15-29 years old.
    • The survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early, before the tumor has penetrated the skin, is about 99 percent.The survival rate falls to 15 percent for those with advanced disease.
    • The vast majority of mutations found in melanoma are caused by ultraviolet radiation.
    • The incidence of many common cancers is falling, but the incidence of melanoma continues to rise at a rate faster than that of any of the seven most common cancers.Between 1992 and 2004, melanoma incidence increased 45 percent, or 3.1 percent annually.
    • An estimated 114,900 new cases of melanoma were diagnosed in the USin 2010 ? 46,770 noninvasive (in situ) and 68,l30 invasive, with nearly 8,700 resulting in death
    • Melanoma accounts for less than five percent of skin cancer cases,20 but it causes more than 75 percent of skin cancer deaths.21
    • Survival with melanoma increased from 49 percent (1950 ? 1954) to 92 percent (1996 ? 2003).
    • Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer for males and sixth most common for females.
    • Women aged 39 and under have a higher probability of developing melanoma than any other cancer except breast cancer.
    • About 65 percent of melanoma cases can be attributed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
    • One or more blistering sunburns in childhood or adolescence more than double a person?s chances of developing melanoma later in life.
    • A person?s risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns at any age.
    • Survivors of melanoma are about nine times as likely as the general population to develop a new melanoma.


    • The majority of people diagnosed with melanoma are white men over age 50.
    • One in 39 Caucasian men and one in 58 Caucasian women will develop melanoma in their lifetimes.
    • Approximately 39,000 new cases of melanoma occur in men each year in theUS, and 29,000 in women.
    • Approximately 5,700 deaths from melanoma occur in men each year in theUS, and 3,000 in women.
    • Five percent of all cancers in men are melanomas; four percent of all cancers in women are melanomas.
    • Adults over age 40, especially men, have the highest annual exposure to UV.
    • Melanoma is one of only three cancers with an increasing mortality rate for men, along with liver cancer and esophageal cancer.
    • Caucasian men over age 65 have had an 8.8 percent annual increase in melanoma incidence since 2003, the highest annual increase of any gender or age group
    • Between 1980 and 2004, the annual incidence of melanoma among young women increased by 50 percent, from 9.4 cases to 13.9 cases per 100,000 women.
    • The number of women under age 40 diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma has more than doubled in the last 30 years; the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma among women under age 40 has increased almost 700 percent.
    • Until age 39, women are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma as men. Starting at age 40, melanoma incidence in men exceeds incidence in women, and this trend becomes more pronounced with each decade.

    Published by the Skin Cancer Foundation

    Source: http://blogs.cooperhealth.org/drlawrence/2012/07/skin-cancer-the-facts/

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    Friday, July 27, 2012

    Toronto Team Building Activities to generate Your Business Team ...

    Posted by VictorMLeig on Jul 27, 2012 in ADULT JOKES | Comments Off

    It is very easy for an office building staff to become satisfied. They can fall into any routine where they will become very unbiased and rely on their particular fellow workers less. While this may seem like a very important thing, many office responsibilities can be accomplished quicker and better when the team really does them as a whole instead of relying on the enter of only one person. If the business is in Toronto, team building events activities from a firm like XPEERience Group can help create that ?we? frame of mind again.

    This company focuses on Keynote Speaker Canada activities in many different settings. Choosing the proper team building events activities is important when setting up an event similar to this as it is important to make sure all staff members are snug with the events. All things considered, it would not serve a reason to alienate staff during a team building routines as you want everyone to sign up in the events.

    Among the most popular packages regarding Toronto team building activities is the Ultimate Xpeerience. This package deal encompasses low actual impact activities like dodgeball, water balloon chuck, and volleyball along with more demanding team development activities like the inflatable obstacle course as well as the outdoor rockwall. Most employers will have a pretty good idea of what their employees are capable of and can select the team building activities that can work best for their workers.

    The beauty of an getaway such as this is that nearly all employees forget why they are actually right now there in the first place. They are possessing so much fun, these people naturally form a much better bond with their fellow workers and reestablish the teamwork mindset that has been missing through the office. So how will all of this actually combine itself back into the place of work?

    Something that a lot of companies can do is have a workers meeting to discuss the particular outing the next time the complete staff is together at the office. Keep it very laid-back and talk about the several events and how the actual winning teams managed to perform so well. Keep stressing how they utilized each person?s strengths to help the team perform much better.

    Once this subject matter gets rolling, will bring up examples of projects around the office which were delayed because the ?team? wasn?t working together. Keep in mind it?s not a disciplinary meeting, merely a reinforcement of how effective it is to work as a team. From that point, hand out the same assignment to both individuals and teams. Let them have a limited time to work with them and then maintain a meeting later in the day to monitor advancement.

    While there may be some people capable of pulling over upset victory, more often than not, the teams are able to present a better plus more complete project. That?s where management can strengthen the idea of how critical it is to work together whenever possible instead of doing work alone all the time. Clothing long before the entire office benefits from the Toronto team building events activities they loved during the outing.

    For more information about Team Building Toronto visit our website.

    Source: http://funclub24.com/2012/07/27/toronto-team-building-activities-to-generate-your-business-team-more-efficient/

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    Star Wars: Legacy

    Star Wars: Legacy

    The continuing adventures of Marco Chain, Link Mantis, and Artemis June. What starts as a friendly meeting in their favorite cantina, turns into the start of their greatest challenge yet... an enemy only Marco could have seen coming.


    Game Masters:

    This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Star Wars: Legacy?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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    Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

    The Solar Cantina of Vale Spacedock, orbiting Nar Shadaa:

    There was a man, a tall, gangly fellow, who had entered the room ten minutes earlier. He had blonde hair the length of his pointed chin, and eyes deep blue? eyes that had transfixed themselves on Marco the moment he steeped in, darted down to Marco?s blaster, then the man?s own blaster partially hidden under his jacket, then jumped back up to meet Marco?s glare as the man sat down, three booths away from where Marco and his friends were. He finally broke the gaze when the waiter droid came to his table, and didn?t look at Marco again. Marco had forgotten about the incident by now, forgotten the man completely until Marco caught the man staring at him with that same cold gaze. When Marco looked up at him, however, the man looked away. There was a cold shiver that crept up Marco?s spine, painting every muscle in his back with ice that seeped to his core. Marco shook it off, tried to make his heart-rate slow, tried to get rid of the pounding in his eardrums... but the feeling remained. He wanted nothing more than to kill this man that haunted him, just to make it go away. It was a terrible though, he knew, but it was true nonetheless.
    He had a creeping suspicion of why this man was there, what he wanted? who sent him? and the more he watched this man, the more sure he was. Every once in a while, the man would glance at Marco; just a casual passing glance that lingered longer than it should.
    This passing glance strengthened his suspicion that this man was a bounty hunter, like Marco, and that he was hunting Marco. If his suspicion was true, then this man would die.
    ?Hmm?? Marco said, Nikka?s voice snapping him out of whatever trance he was in. How long had he been sitting there, silently, watching that man? It must have been a while, because everyone at the table was now staring at him.
    ?Oh, um, where were we?? he asked.
    ?We were talking about Kashyyk,? She replied.
    ?Right. Um? Link had come to me, in the middle of the battle, and told me he needed help with his father. Link, why don?t you finish telling about that??

    OOC: I'm going to let you move this story along, Link, so wherever you were going with it, go right ahead. If you need me to jump back in just let me know.

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    Marco Chain
    Member for 0 years

    OOC: Wow I forgot about this part let me think about what I'm gonna do for this.

    Link Mantis will kill you fool!

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    Link Mantis
    Member for 0 years

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    Shuttered Breast-Cancer Charity Files for Bankruptcy - Philanthropy ...

    Y-Me, the national cancer organization that abruptly shut its doors and fired its staff earlier this month, has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation, according to the Chicago Tribune and The Wall Street Journal.

    In its filing Tuesday, the Chicago-based charity, which operated the nation?s only 24-hour, multilingual hotline for breast-cancer patients, reported liabilities of $501,001 to $1-million against assets of $101,001 to $500,000. It has seen donations plummet in recent years.

    Experts said Y-Me?founded in 1978, when there was little public discussion of breast cancer and few sources of emotional support for patients?has been crowded out as groups offering such aid proliferated and pink-ribbon campaigns made the disease a major national cause.

    ?There are just so many avenues now to receive information that weren?t around even 20 years ago,? Janine Gauthier, director of the Cancer Integrative Medicine Program at Chicago?s Rush University Medical Center, told the Tribune. ?You can literally find information anywhere.?

    Source: http://philanthropy.com/blogs/philanthropytoday/shuttered-breast-cancer-charity-files-for-bankruptcy/50935

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    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    Points On Generating Money On Business Real Estate Through Gas ...

    Buying a commercial property, for instance a gas station, is totally different than buying a house, so don?t treat them as identical transactions. The following advice will help you get the best deal on your property.

    If you are thinking about commercial real estate investing, for example you?re going to acquire gas station business options, consider the many tax breaks you will receive. Investors can get interest deductions and depreciation benefits too. Sometimes an investor will get a bit of money that is taxed even though it is not received. It is important to know about this kind of income prior to investing.

    Before you buy or sell a commercial property, find out several key economic indicators for the region, including trends in unemployment and income, as well as major employers in the region. If your house is near a hospital, university or other large employment centers, they will usually sell quicker and also, at a higher value.

    You need to understand that each property has for itself, a lifetime. If you think the property will last forever, you won?t include repair expenses in your plans and might end up losing a lot of money because of your lack of preparation. The building might need to have its roof replaced, or have the electrical wiring brought up to code. Pretty much every building will experience this at some point, and some will need more work than others. Estimate the cost of repairs over the years, and plan for them.

    See to it that you initially make use of the right type of financing. Getting a commercial loan is quite different than getting a loan for a home. A commercial loan may actually offer better terms. To acquire a commercial loan, you will likely have to cough up considerably more of a down payment. On the other hand, you won?t be liable personally if the loan falls through. Furthermore, these loans are more lenient if you want to acquire part of the down payment from a family member, friend or acquaintance.

    Learn all things from the firm you?re dealing with including how they measure results. There are a number of details that will affect you critically, such as methods of negotiation, property selection criteria and the amount of space you need. Find out exactly how these sorts of considerations will be determined. Kknowing this before signing an agreement with them has many benefits.

    While searching through different properties, make a checklist of each tour you went on. Accept responses to the initial proposals, but don?t go further than that unless you inform the property owners. Do not fear letting the owners know that you are interested in other properties. Letting this fact slip may even result in your getting a more lucrative deal.

    Try to get a presence online prior to jumping into the market. Add yourself to LinkedIn, or better, create your very own website. Optimize your website for search engines so that you can get a good rank high on the results page. Ideally, people will be able to easily find your site or profile by keying your name into a search engine.

    If you are renting or leasing, be sure to know about pest control arrangements. It is even more important to look into the building?s pest control policies if you are looking to rent or lease in a region where building pests are common.

    Enter the world of commercial real estate with the right frame of mind, and you can find success. Keep the advice from this article in mind and apply it to your own commercial real estate dealings. Constantly look for ways to learn more about commercial real estate, and identify strategies you can utilize to improve. As your experience grows over time, so will your success.

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    Source: http://www.cybertration.com/points-on-generating-money-on-business-real-estate-through-gas-facilities/

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    Discount Life Insurance Will Give You The Best Protection You Need ...

    Most life insurance pros work with some of the nation?s leading professionals in discount life insurance who want to compete for your organization. Just the extremely nature of the name tells you that you will be acquiring the lowest rates in life insurance. You can get on-line life insurance quotes at a discount as nicely as organization life insurance for you and your partners.

    Most people searching for life insurance look at the bottom line for the total value. If this is lower than other on the web life insurance quotes, they really feel they are obtaining discount life insurance. The reality is that you have to compare the facts of the policy to see whether or not or not the policy is actually a discount.

    There are aspects involved in determining whether or not or not you qualify for discount life insurance. If you fit into the preferred rate class, which involves:

    No health problems

    Young age

    Ordinary occupation

    then you wont have any difficulty getting on-line life insurance quotes at a discount price tag.

    Every single life insurance firm that gives discount life insurance has diverse criteria. This is why it is critical to shop for online life insurance quotes to make sure that you fit the criteria for the lowest rates in life insurance. Read via the company policies to see regardless of whether a medical exam is needed and then you can request the free of charge on-line quote.

    The premium for the life insurance is the amount you pay for the policy. You have to meticulously read the policy to make sure that the discount life insurance stays in place for the term of your policy. There are some life insurance businesses that give you a discount on the initial year of the policy or the first six months. Following that the premiums go up to the regular rate. Reading the fine print is just as critical in obtaining on the internet life insurance quotes as it is in something else.

    Life insurance rates vary, you can uncover discount life insurance.

    For more, please go to: this site

    Source: http://answers.apostoliccm.com/2012/07/discount-life-insurance-will-give-you-the-best-protection-you-need/

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