Saturday, April 20, 2013

Random Numbers Help - C And C++ | Dream.In.Code

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    5 Replies - 50 Views - Last Post: 48 minutes ago Rate Topic: -----

    #1 makeitloud ?Icon User is online

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    Posted Today, 12:57 PM

    hello guys, i have a question. in this test program im making it does so if you get a problem wrong it re does the question, but it generates the same number, is their a way to generate a different number?
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctime> using namespace std;  int main() { 	srand (time(NULL));  	int grade, operands[2], userAnswer;  	string quiz, name;  	char answer, again;  	cout << "What is your name?\n"; 	cin >> name; 	cout << "Were going to take a quiz, are you ready? <y/n>\n"; 	cin >> answer; 	if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') 	{ 	cout << "Ok lets get started " << name << endl; 		cout << "First lets do a math problem.\n"; 		operands[0] = rand()%50; 		operands[1] = rand()%20; 		 		do 		{ 		cout << "What is " << operands[0] << " + " << operands[1] << " ?\n"; 		cin >> userAnswer; 		 	if(userAnswer==operands[0] + operands[1]) 	{ 		cout << "You got the Problem right, off to the next question\n"; 	} 	else 		{ 		cout << "Problem incorrect\n"; 		cout << "Would you like to try again?\n"; 		cin >> again; 		} 		}while(again == 'y' || again == 'Y'); 		 	} 	 	 	  	system("pause"); 	return 0; }

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    Replies To: random numbers help

    #2 CTphpnwb ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: random numbers help

    Posted Today, 01:12 PM

    Have you tried putting your "if" statement inside the do ... while loop instead of enclosing it?

    #3 makeitloud ?Icon User is online

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    Re: random numbers help

    Posted Today, 01:15 PM

    i dont understand what you are saying.

    #4 CTphpnwb ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: random numbers help

    Posted Today, 01:23 PM

    Think about it.

    #5 makeitloud ?Icon User is online

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    Re: random numbers help

    Posted Today, 05:32 PM

do 	{ 	if(answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y') 	{ 	cout << "Ok lets get started " << name << endl; 		cout << "First lets do a math problem.\n"; 		operands[0] = rand()%50; 		operands[1] = rand()%20; 		/*******************first question********************************/ 		 		 		cout << "What is " << operands[0] << " + " << operands[1] << " ?\n"; 		cin >> userAnswer; 		 	if(userAnswer==operands[0] + operands[1]) 	{ 		cout << "You got the Problem right, off to the next question\n"; 		system("cls"); 		 	} 	else 		{ 		cout << "Problem incorrect\n"; 		cout << "Would you like to try again?\n"; 		cin >> again; 		} 		}while(again == 'y' || again == 'Y');

    was this what you were talking about

    also on

char again;   

    im getting a run time error on it saying it is no initialized and i cant find the reason behind it. if you no anything about that. thank you

    #6 #define ?Icon User is online

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    Re: random numbers help

    Posted 48 minutes ago

    You could have a function for the math problem, and another to check whether to go again.

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