Thursday, June 28, 2012

Relationship Thread

The 25th Hunger Games

Before everything happened in the books, there was the Twenty-Fifth Hunger Games. This time however, there is a huge twist - the tributes have to live together for nine months before the Games themselves. {Literate RPers only, please.}


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The 25th Hunger Games?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Code: Select all
[font=georgia][right][img]gif of your character, please![/img][/right]
[size=200][u][color=pick a colour that matches your district. eg. green for 10, brown for 7, purple for 1]Name of you character[/size][/u][/color]

? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

[*] [b]Gavril Scynthe:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [s][b]Babette Hawtrey:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [b]Scipio Hardin:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Stiletto Switchblade:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [s][b]District Three Male:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [b]Emberly Byrne:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Niles Bayou:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [s][b]Forever Constance:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [s][b]District Five Male:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [b]Solara Brinx:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Keeth Diggett:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [s][b]Nyx Vanity:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [s][b]Courage Willow:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [b]Mildred Tarzia:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Yossarian Caulfield:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Ashe Besra:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Lor Pellet:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Pip Pypin:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Tyke Delfino:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Emosa Polij?n:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [s][b]District Eleven Male:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.[/s]
[*] [b]Aristata O'Rouke:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Zyker Lintsy:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Saffron Lockhearst:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

[*] [b]Why that colour for you name?[/b] Why you picked it.

Last edited by Imagine That! on Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:45 pm, edited 5 times in total. ? Life's not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away. ?

Watch my boyfriend's Pokemon nuzlocke challenge on youtube? It'll make us both happy! <3 ~ Cam's Nuzlocke Challenge!

User avatar
Imagine That!
Member for 3 years

Saffron Lockhearst
|Seventeen|District 12|Bow and Arrow|

? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

  • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Niles Bayou: ?/? Well, isn't this guy a bit of eye candy, eh? He seems funny, and light hearted, and his eyes are so distracting. The other thing I've noticed about his eyes however, is how much they follow that girl from his district. Shame that.
  • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Solara Brinx: ? Steady on, ho. Batting her eyelids, biting her lip, flirting with everyone? Honestly, it's just not right to want to have sex
    that much, that you'd do it with anybody. I mean, there's flirty, and then there's her. Eesh.
  • Keeth Diggett: ? Wow, this guy is shy, isn't he? I mean... wow! He's like a startled deer! I just want to walk up to him and cheer him up, make him smile or talk, or something. He seems adorable, though. For nine months, I can see him and me being good friends. I'll try and open him up a bit, bring him out of his shell.
  • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Lor Pellet: ? Lor makes me smile; he's got such a witty mouth. Honestly, we have quite a bit of fun together - he's one of the only people in this house that has seen my childish side. He's not just one of those big brutes that swings his weight around, trying to gain attention. He's actually got quite a brain on him. We can pull some excellent debates together, seeing as I never went to school! I think we'd be amazing friends, if we weren't being asked to kill each other in a few months. Well, for now we can be friends anyway.
  • Pip Pypin: ?/? She's so young to be here... I hate that. I want to treat her like Wyatt, like a little sibling, but I can see she doesn't like that. I'll try and keep away from her, or else I'll be trying to protect her. I might try and do that in the Arena anyway, become allies with her or something. I can't stand the thought of her being hurt.
  • Tyke Delfino: ? Eh, he seems okay. A little strange, but all right, I guess. I don't think we'll be great friends though. He seems to have some sort of multiple personality disorder. I can't get along with people like that. They confuse me to hell and back. I'll stay away from this one, but I'll chat to him if I must.
  • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Zyker Lintsy: ?/? Zyker is... my best friend. Seeing as I don't go to school, he's one of the only people I interact with of my age. We meet when we can, and he teaches me what he has learnt at school that day. He's my breath of fresh air. Although, recently, I've been starting to see him as more than just a friend. I saw one of the girl's from the district, one of the pretty ones hanging around him, batting her eyelids and it made me angry. It made me jealous that he was smiling back at her. I can't tell him this though - he probably has his heart devoted to someone already. That's the kind of sweet, beautiful man that he is.

  • Why that colour for you name? Black - it's the colour of coal. It also could represent the blackness that covers everyone in Twelve. We're all pretty down and depressed.

  • Tyke Delfino
    |Eighteen|District 10|Animal Knowledge|

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: ?/? This man confuses me. One moment he will be talking to you, all confident and charming, but the next, he will flip to the other side, and be blunt. Honestly, I can't get my head around him. I want to though. I think we could be allies, if we worked something out; I just need to work him out, before I even go into that territory. Besides, he's a Career, isn't he? Already trained and paired up with the other higher Tributes, right? Maybe allies wouldn't work out...
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: ? Now, I love confident women, but I can honestly say that I dislike this woman with a passion. She's over-flowing with sarcastic comments and a cocky attitude that just knocks you off of your feet. Stiletto is too much, for any man to handle, I'd guess, and I honestly don't think I'll get along with her very well.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia:?/? Oh, I like the look of her. She's gorgeous, and seems totally down to Earth; I can't be dealing with someone who lives with her head in the clouds. Even though I've only seen her once in person, in all the TV shots of her, she's smiling. It's unfaltering, really. I've grown so used to seeing her with a smile plastered over her face, I don't want that to change. I'm thinking I should become good friends with her, and keep that smile on her face.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: ? Not my cup of tea, to be fair. She seems very motherly and caring, and I don't like that. I mean, that fun, wild side of her that came out could be fun, but the other side? I don't think so. I don't like mothers and parents as it is, and I do not want to start living with one here, thank you very much.

  • Why that colour for you name? I picked a dirty brown/yellow because it reminds me of home, and the hay that I had to ship every day for the horses.
  • Last edited by Imagine That! on Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:46 pm, edited 8 times in total.
    User avatar
    Imagine That!
    Member for 3 years

    Solara Brinx
    Age 17|District 5|Endurance|

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

    Zyker Lintsy
    |Age 18|District 12|Navigation|

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

    Last edited by alxxxjames on Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
    User avatar
    Member for 0 years

    Mildred Tarzia

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? Why you picked it.
  • User avatar
    Member for 3 years

    Yossarian Caulfield
    | Eighteen | District 8 | First Aid |

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: ?/? Cute little thing. I just wanna squeeze her until her eyeballs pop out! Don't think she likes me, though. Oh well.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: ?/? So Ashe is from Eight too, apparently. If I've met her, I don't remember it. She's not very memorable, is what I'm saying. But damn, she's fine.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? I picked Gray because Eight is a stinking, industrial shithole that I somehow managed to have a good time with for eighteen years.

  • Emberly Byrne
    | Seventeen | District 3 | Poison Dart Gun |

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: ? I'll admit, his happy-go-lucky attitude can be infectious, but he's a little too wild for me. I'll keep my distance.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? Mostly because of my name. I honestly can't think of a good color for my District, but I don't want to put it down at all.
  • Last edited by AugustArria on Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
    User avatar
    Member for 1 years

    Ashe Besra
    | 18 | 08 | Lance |

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? Industrial life is rather grey and all District 8 contains are factories at the core.
  • User avatar
    Member for 4 years

    Gavril Eldric Scynthe
    |17|District 1 - Luxury Items|Dual Knives|

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? Why you picked it.
  • User avatar
    Member for 0 years

    Loren Modicum Pellet
    |Age 18|District 9 -Grain|Weapon/Talent Shield|

    ? = romantic interest
    ? = friends
    ? = neutral
    ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe:
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin:
    • Stiletto Switchblade:
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne:
    • Niles Bayou:
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx:
    • Keeth Diggett:
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia:
    • Yossarian Caulfield:
    • Ashe Besra:
    • (9)Lor Pellet:? I like myself just fine.
    • (9)Pip Pypin: ? I had seen her around back in our district, but that's about it. She's loud and crazy, I'm quiet and sane. She makes amazing lemon cake though. She brought one around to each house in our district one year for Christmas, her dad had gotten a bonus or something.
    • Tyke Delfino:
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke:
    • Zyker Lintsy:
    • (12)Saffron Lockhearst: ?She's really pretty, and seemingly more on the intellectual side, like me. She seems all cool and calm on the outside, but her and I have had a couple of hilarious run-ins.

  • Why that colour for you name? I chose a tan because that is the color of the earth, the wheat, the grains we sell and the wheat it creates, the breads on Panem's tables every night, and the clothing of my district. We work hard in the sun, planting and growing our food. Even our aqueducts have become browned by the silt. Tan is the essence of District 9, in my mind.
  • -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

    Amaranth Iota Pypin

    |Age 16|District 9 - Grain|Weapon/Talent Throwing Knives|

    ? = romantic interest
    ? = friends
    ? = neutral
    ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe:
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin:
    • Stiletto Switchblade:
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne:
    • Niles Bayou:
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx:
    • Keeth Diggett:
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia:
    • Yossarian Caulfield:
    • Ashe Besra:
    • (9)Lor Pellet: ? I see him writing in that journal of his all the time. I kinda want to snatch it, take off running, and read it like a novel. He's so protective of it, I bet it's got some juicy stories in there!
    • (9)Pip Pypin: ? Ah, what's not to love?! *chuckles*
    • Tyke Delfino:
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke:
    • Zyker Lintsy:
    • (12)Saffron Lockhearst: ? Uhm... Yeah, Saffron is only two years older than me and but sort of treats me like a child. I'm not so keen on that. She's really quite gorgeous though. So serious, I'd love to hear her laugh.

  • Why that colour for you name? I picked a red-orange because I feel my district is like the sun: We are essential to daily life. You can go a couple days without electricity, or heat. But food? Everyone has to eat to survive, and we provide a stable of every diet. Look at that table in front of you! How much of the food there has a main ingredient of some sort of grain? That's what I thought. *pauses* Can I have a piece of that?
  • User avatar
    Member for 0 years

    Emosa Jim?al Polij?n
    |Sixteen|District Ten|Whip|

    ? = romantic interest | ? = friends | ? = neutral | ? = enemies

    • Gavril Scynthe: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Babette Hawtrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Scipio Hardin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Stiletto Switchblade: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Three Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emberly Byrne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Niles Bayou: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Forever Constance: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Five Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Solara Brinx: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Keeth Diggett: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Nyx Vanity: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Courage Willow: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Mildred Tarzia: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Yossarian Caulfield: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Ashe Besra: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Lor Pellet: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Pip Pypin: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Tyke Delfino: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Emosa Polij?n: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • District Eleven Male: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Aristata O'Rouke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Zyker Lintsy: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
    • Saffron Lockhearst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Why that colour for you name? It is green for District 10.
  • I've walked this earth for many a year, I've seen all there is to fear,
    But not with mine eyes, I've seen people die,
    Loved ones torn away, Heard the screams of children,
    As they writhe in agony, But not with mine eyes or ears,
    I've screamed curses, I've been beaten, tortured, and murdered numerous times,
    But not has any of this happened. All this exsists but not in what I've seen, heard, or spoke,
    Only in your wicked thought...

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