Friday, November 23, 2012

Sky Sports Aquathon ? St David's High School

Sky Sports Aquathon

As the school had been involved in a small project in session 2011/12, it was decided to up the anti a bit this year and run a multi sport event this year with the help of the S5/6 Sport and Recreation group.

The event put forward and accepted by Sky Sports was an Aquathon(Swim/run) it was completed on Friday morning, November 16th. 38 hardy pupils took up the challenges of swimming anything from 100-300m? and following it up by running anything from 1000m ? 2000m.

The event had a big input from the senior pupils doing publicity work, powerpoints, results sheets,setting up pool lanes and tidying up, photography(stills/video clips with iPads that are now a common sight in the PE dept.)

The event ran smoothly, a few things to work on for next time! But hey, we all learn from our mistakes!

Congratulations to all who took part! You are stars and to the Sport and Recreation team ? you arrived on Friday to the grown ups world!?They too were stars!

On Tuesday Sky Sports provided a loyalty day when Steve Frew, ex GB International gymnast, spoke to a variety of pupils across the school. This went down exceptionally well with many very positive comments from both staff and pupils.

A new project with Sky Sports is in the pipeline for Spring term.

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