Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Goodly Spellbook ? Two Spells

Great News! ?Thursday is the ideal day of the week to conjure abundance and prosperity, if the Thursday happens to be during a waxing or full moon the potency of the?spell is doubled and, if you add to it that it falls on the Thanksgiving Holiday then ?you have a Whopping Opportunity to increase the abundance and prosperity in your life.? Get ready!? This upcoming Thanksgiving meets all the conditions for the perfect spell to manifest money??


?To Conjure Abundance??

To Conjure Abundance


Simply acquiring more money rarely alleviates the chronic lack thereof. Rather, ongoing, oppressive material needs are best met by your conjuring a pervasive providence that helps you flourish in multitudinous ways.

To prevent poverty, make an arrangement of dried alfalfa and keep it in your home.

Another way to prevent penury is to carry an abundance charm, such as a shamrock. Each clover leaf bestows a gift to promote a happy life?the upper left leaf wafts you wealth, the upper right leaf elicits you love, the bottom right leaf grants you health, and the bottom left leaf favors you with fame.

Faced with insufficient funds to replace our Covenstead?s roof, we recently employed an olde Strega spell for abundance. The spell called for us to stick a lemon, which represents the Moon, with color-tipped straight pins (except black) and suspend it with hemp or thread in some out-of-the-way corner. We circled with our covenmates and took turns inserting the pins as deeply as the rind would allow, initially covering the lemon?s surface with pinheads of various colors. We then used only green-tipped pins to demarcate a runic F to signify the Feoh sign that represents material goods. (You could substitute a bounty-bringing square, Earth?s ancient magical symbol.) We duly received an unexpected donation that enabled us to replace our leaky old roof with a goodly new one.

A different abundance rite begins with a sweeping spell attributed to a wealthy Irish Witch of the 1300s named Dame Alice Kyteler.

Shortly before midnight on a Thursday during a waxing or full Moon, privately gather your spell ingredients. Taking your besom in hand, sweep sunwise toward the center of your circling area, muttering your own personal adaptation of Dame Alice Kyteler?s incantation. In the first line, substitute the name of the person for whom you?re conjuring wealth. In the second line, say their appropriate designation, such as ?my (self)?, ?my (mate)?, or ?my (daughter)?, and so forth. On the charm?s fourth and final line, supply the name of the town you live in or nearest to.


?To the house of (William),

my (son)?

Hie all the wealth

?Of (Kilkenny) town!?


Improve your ritual area?s decor and ambiance to augment your ability to attract abundance?light Earthy, emerald-colored candles and so on. Cast a circle sunwise to initiate the increase magic. Sit and recall times when miraculous luck and Divine favor graced you. Picture yourself provided with plentitude.

Whenever you?re ready, make lucky ?fixed rice?. Fill a glass bowl with approximately three cups of raw rice. Drip green food coloring on top of the grains with your right hand, and then stir sunwise with a chopstick or silver spoon to evenly dye the ingredient. Stare deeply into the rice, and fervently invoke Copia, Gaea, and Jupiter to empower the green grains to draw prosperity to you and yours from every direction and dimension.

When your fixed rice has dried and you feel duly inspired, fling handfuls of the grains high into the air! The more you toss, the more you?ll be inundated with serendipitous showers of the God/desses? largesse. Sweep the rice up with your besom, and store it for future use in an airtight container.

Henceforth, whenever you need funds, use an appropriate amount of the lucky fixed rice in a spell to relieve your need. (Minor monetary matters require minimal rice, whereas the brink of bankruptcy requires a copious quantity.)

Coven Oldenwilde?s Maiden first used her lucky rice to obtain cheap tickets to see holy sites in Mexico. The components worked so well, Cassandra-Shine used them again to draw food during a prolonged period of unemployment. That worked so successfully that she used her lucky fixed rice a third time, and landed her dream job.


Spell Variations


  • To attract money on an ongoing basis, carry a few grains of green prosperity rice in your wallet, coin purse, or checkbook.
  • Leave an offering of fixed rice for Gaea or Hertha at the base of a plant or tree.
  • Put a goodly amount of lucky green rice on a tray, or spill a goodly quantity on the floor. With your forefinger, draw designs that symbolize your need.
  • After you empower the rice to attract your desire, fill a mojo bag or necklace pouch with it, and wear the bag until your wish is fulfilled. Charge your amulet once a month during the full Moon to keep abundance flowing your way.
  • Don?t fling your luck away?whenever you sweep or rake anything, stroke inward toward the center of your house or property.

    Spell Origin: Voudon, Strega Italian, Irish, and Santerian magic

    Spell Timing: midnight on a Thursday during a waxing or full Moon

    Ingredients: dried alfalfa; a lemon, color-tipped (but not black) straight pins, hempen string or thread; a besom, green candle(s), 3 cups of raw rice, a glass bowl, green food coloring, a chopstick or silver mixing spoon, and an airtight container

    Ambiance: alone, indoors, in a private magical space

    Magical Theory:

    Sympathetic magic: Although a lime might seem to symbolize more aptly the emerald Earth, ?The Conjuration of the Lemon and Pins? in Aradia: Gospel of the Witches equates a lemon with the Moon, and an orange with the Sun.

    La Luna is a luck-bringer Who can take away your poverty during the low tide She creates, or inundate you with plenty during Her full phase.

    Lush Earth offers everyone infinite options for opulence. Dyeing green a crop that much of the world depends on for sustenance directly attracts Gaea?s bounty to your daily life.

    The Goddess Copia (of cornucopia fame) has the power to bestow ?copious? abundance.

    Because plants grow in all directions, luck will similarly come to you from everywhere if you leave an offering to an Earth Goddess at the base of a plant or tree.

    Thursday is Jupiter?s day. The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is the astrological ruler of abundance and good fortune. In chiromancy (palmistry), Jupiter rules the forefinger.

    Sweeping or raking outward disperses your prosperity to others. Dirt, grass clippings, and leaves are organic, so by sweeping toward your property, you not only maintain your household?s prosperity, but replenish your land?s fertility as well.

    Deities to Invoke: Copia, a Roman Goddess of bounty; Gaea and Hertha, Greek Earth Goddesses; Jupiter, a Roman God of expansive abundance


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