Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ivan Sutherland Presented With Kyoto Prize - I Programmer

Dr Ivan Sutherland, often dubbed "Father of Computer Graphics" was one of three laureates honored at the 28th Annual Kyoto Prize Ceremony held today in Japan,?

The Kyoto Prize is an annual international award presented in three categories to "honor those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural and spiritual betterment of mankind".




The names of this year's laureates were announced in June when we learned that American computer scientist Dr. Ivan E Sutherland had been awarded the 2012 Advanced Technology prize in the field of Information Science in recognition of his pioneering work in developing graphical methods of interacting with computers, including Sketchpad, the breakthrough application that allowed users to directly manipulate figures on a computer screen through a pointing device that can be seen as the progenitor of today's graphical user interfaces.


Sketchpad with Sutherland at the controls in 1960s.


The announcement from the award ceremony held on November 10th, 2012 stated:

Dr. Ivan E. Sutherland has been responsible for many pioneering advances and fundamental contributions to the computer graphics technology used for information presentation, as well as the interactive interfaces that allow people to utilize computers without the need for programming.

The presentation ceremony was held at the Kyoto International Conference Center. Each winner was presented with a Kyoto Prize medal and 50 million yen prize money from Hiroo Imura, Chairman of the Inamori Foundation in the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado and an audience of about 1,700 people.

Along with the other laureates, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese molecular cell biologist, and Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, an Indian literary critic and educator, Dr Sutherland will be giving a public Commemorative Lecture on November 11th, and participating in Workshops the following day and then in Youth Development programs for the rest of the week.

The three?laureates, will reconvene in San Diego, California. March 12-14, 2013 to participate in North America's twelfth annual Kyoto Prize Symposium, a three-day celebration of the lives and works of the laureates with an opening Gala and ongoing lectures at host universities.


Kyoto Prize for Ivan Sutherland

Ivan Sutherland - Father of Graphics

Pioneering 3D video from 40 years ago


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