Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Back To Life! A Personal Grief Guidebook

Home KEEPING IN TOUCH Grief Blog Yourspace The Grief Club LIVING WITH GRIEF Your Pain Grief Stages Coping Strategies Grief Guidebook Grief Relief Program Stressed Out? The Comfort Zone Help The Kids Other Loss PET LOSS CORNER Pet Loss Petspace EXPRESSING SYMPATHY Expressing Sympathy Sympathy Cards Sympathy Gifts CREATIVE OUTLETS Theirspace Healing Artwork Memorial Services Garden Memorials Music & Poetry Cremation HOUSEKEEPING About Us Contact Us Site Map Site Search Outside Resources Disclaimer Privacy Policy [?]Subscribe To This Site HEARTBROKEN FROM GRIEF? ? "We lost our beautiful daughter, Amber LeAnn, two years ago. She drowned in the pool during the Easter egg hunt. There were a lot of kids over and no one realized she was missing until it was too late." ? "My son Colin died of an accidental prescription drug overdose and I am so lost without him. Please, is there anything you can do to help me with this terrible pain?" ? "My Mom committed suicide two years ago. I have never cried about this. Is there something wrong with me?" ? ???????????? ?? Heartbroken from grief... Are you devastated by the loss of a loved one? Bewildered by all the strong emotions and crazy symptoms? Wondering how you are ever going to survive? Tired of being stuck in a complicated grief? "Back To Life", our Personal Grief Guidebook, provides just the answers you are looking for. Here we take you by the hand and guide you gently through the dark maze known as bereavement. ????????????????????? ? Dear Friend, You are likely here because you have experienced the horrible, painful loss of a loved one. And I am so very sorry for your loss. In your quest to find help with your grief, you may have come across some "quick fixes" offered over the Internet. Shame on them! What could be worse than taking advantage of someone who is grappling with a tragic loss in their life like you are?Sadly, there is no "quick fix" to grief, but there are more effective and comfortable was to help mend your broken heart and lead you gently back to brighter days. You may be one of those people who would never seek professional help, or lean on a support group, or even cry on the shoulder of a trusted friend. Your grief is just too personal and painful to share openly. If that describes you, then this guidebook is sure to help you. In the privacy of your own home, you will learn all about the stages of grief and how to survive each one. ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ? Welcome to "Back to Life!", our comprehensive and personal Guidebook to Grief. Here you will learn: Good, solid information on how the grief "process" really works. ? Which symptoms of grief are normal, and which are dangerous warning signs. ? Valuable and practical coping skills to help you get through each day. ? Secrets to getting a good night's restorative sleep without prescription drugs. ? How to endure the holidays and thoughtless visitors. ? How to identify and defuse anger, guilt, and regret. ? Family changes to look for and how to keep your family intact through this. ? Just the right activities and comforting rituals to help ease you through your darkest days. ? Tried and true psychological exercises and strategies to help lessen the raw pain. ? Satisfying and therapeutic creative expressions of grief. ? Effective memorializing techniques to honor and remember your lost loved one. ? How to cling to hope and move surely towards brighter days. ??????????????????????? I realize that not all these techniques will help you... everyone's grief is unique, and different coping styles and approaches will work for each person. But you are sure to find something here of great value to you on your bereavement journey. Written by an experienced critical care nurse and certified grief counselor, our excellent handbook will guide you through despair and help you learn to embrace hope and joy once again. This enlightened and compassionate approach to grief recovery is sure to help lighten your heavy burden, leading you gently towards successful resolution... and back to life once again. Heartbroken from grief... ? ? WHAT'S IN THE BOOK? Back to Life is a comprehensive, quality bereavement handbook. It consists of 73 pages that explore many aspects of grief in detail. There are 19 chapters or "lessons", each addressing a different aspect of grief, a coping skill or a strategy for emotional survival: ? Heartbroken from grief... INTRODUCTION: You will survive! Outlines our 19 step program towards healthy resolution of grief. I. THE EARLY STAGES OF GRIEF ? ??????????????????? Chapter 1.? In the Beginning... Is this for real? Acknowledging your pain and accepting the reality of the death. One simple thing you can do when you feel overwhelmed. Physical signs and strange sensations you might experience. Chapter 2. ?Tell Your Story- It's normal to relive the events of the death and to tell your story many times over. Here's two comforting ways you can tell your story again... when no one is around to listen. Chapter 3.? Indulge Your Grief- It's important not to avoid or push grief away, especially in the beginning. Why your friends may try to distract you from your mourning; and how not to give in. Chapter 4. ?Forgive Them- Why would someone say something that stupid and hurtful to me at a time like this? How to handle thoughtless visitors and avoid adding emotional baggage to your burden. Chapter 5.? Anger and Blame- So you are not mad about the death? Identifying hidden anger points and a simple exercise to help defuse this destructive emotion. Chapter 6.? Relief and Guilt-? Of course you wish things had gone differently, but do you really deserve to feel guilty? This chapter presents a tried-and-true technique for ending the Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda mind game forever. Chapter 7. ?Celebrate a Life-? You'll find it very therapeutic to create a memorial to your lost loved one. Here we present several project ideas to consider, as well as group activities to help other family members express their grief. Chapter 8.? An Academy Award Performance... Why are my friends starting to avoid me? How to reach out for the love and support you desperately need right now. II. DIG IN FOR THE LONG HAUL-THE MIDDLE STAGES OF GRIEF ???????????????????????????? ??? Chapter 9.? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly- It's normal in grief to glorify your lost beloved. Learn why it is important later to explore the negatives, and an easy exercise to help you do so. Chapter 10.? Uh oh, Christmas is Coming... A recurrent theme we hear over and over.... how hard it is to deal with holidays and anniversaries. This chapter provides great strategies to help make those special days more bearable, even enjoyable. Chapter 11.? So What's to Laugh About? Laugh? I can't even smile! How to find glimmers of happiness to help you through the dark times. Chapter 12.? Don't grieve alone- No one you can rely on? How to ask for the help you need; and a special group of folks who "get it". Chapter 13.? Everyone needs a little help sometimes- Some special sources of help you might not have thought about... Chapter 14. ?What silver lining? Learn which decisions to avoid for now, and for how long. Finding meaning in the death. And a little soul searching will help you realize the positives in your new life. ??????????? III. ACCEPTANCE & RESOLUTION- THE END OF BEREAVEMENT ? ?????????????????? ? Chapter 15. ?Saying Goodbye-? It is healthy late in bereavement to say goodbye to your lost one; to relinquish some of the grief.? Here we teach you an easy but effective way to bid farewell. Chapter 16.? Box Up the Grief- At some point you'll realize you need to "compartmentalize" your grief, ease it into the background so you can cope long-term. Learn simple mental and physical techniques to help achieve this goal. Chapter 17.? A New Beginning-? All about new relationships, new interests, and a new outlook on life. Chapter 18. ?Break the Vicious Cycle- Feel stuck in your bereavement? Tired of grieving? Ready to reclaim your freedom? Time for the big guns! Chapter 18 teaches you some very effective imagery techniques to help you take charge of your life and direct your own future. Chapter 19. The End of Grief (Resolution)- How do you know when you are finished grieving? Signs of the resolution of grief; some helpful insights from the author. ? Heartbroken from grief... Back to Life is available in two forms: a printable e-book or an actual "hard copy" softcover manual. It also contains dozens of emotionally inspiring color photographs. You will want to share this beautiful book with your family or even order extra copies for others in need. ? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?ORDER THE BOOK NOW Heartbroken from grief? Then reach for help today. The e-Book costs just $17.95, and the hard copy is $19.95. A portion of each payment is donated to help support grief charities. ? The ebook is instantly available in a quick, easy-to-download pdf format. Getting your new guidebook online is simple with our clear instructions. And once downloaded, you can view your new book anytime on your desktop or laptop and/or print out a paper copy for easy access anytime, anywhere. Punch holes and place into a notebook for a practical workbook/manual. ? Below are some screen shots of actual pages in the manual: ? ??????? ??????? ??????????? ? ABOUT THE HARD COPY ?????????????????????????????????????? We originally wrote the Grief Guidebook for ebook publication only, and it has been phenomenally successful. Then we started getting requests for "hard copies".? Most of the inquiries have come from grief counselors, clergymen and nursing education departments who previewed it and wanted multiple copies. So, to the publishers we went. And we found something out quickly... it's expensive to publish a book! But we finally found a printer who shaped our guide into an? attractive paperback volume at reasonable cost. It is 8X10" with full-color photographs. The pages and soft cover are of quality stock. You'll be pleased with it. ? ??????????????? Order the e-book if you want to economize and perhaps print it out yourself.? A hard copy is a much better option for gift-giving or personal "workbook" use. Order your hard copy below.? We ship worldwide! Inquire about discount rates for multiple print copies. ? Heartbroken from grief... You can pay for "Back to Life"? via our safe and secure, encrypted system with your credit card or PayPal. No hidden shipping or handling charges for the ebook. Hard copies will incur a standard shipping charge, and will be mailed within two days of payment. *Not comfortable conducting financial transactions online? Use the link at the bottom to email us, and we'll tell you how to buy either book with a check or money order. OUR GUARANTEE I am dedicated to helping you find peace and happiness once again, and I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase of this book. I am so sure that you will find it helpful that I provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee. ? ? ??? ??? ??????????? GUARANTEE ??? ??? No-Questions-Asked Guarantee: If for any ??? reason you don't agree that this is the most ??? effective and useful grief coping tool you ??? have found, just email us within 8 weeks from ??? your date of purchase - and we'll issue you ??? a 100% refund immediately. ??? You have 8 full weeks to read the helpful ??? information and practice some of the emotional ??? and coping strategies provided. ??? If you're not completely satisfied with this ??? grief recovery guidebook, just ask for ??? (and receive) an immediate, 100% refund. ? ? ? ? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? IF YOU WANT THE EBOOK DOWNLOAD, ?????????????????????????? ORDER RIGHT BELOW, "CLICK HERE". ??????????????????????????? IF YOU WANT THE HARD COPY MAILED ??????????????????????????? TO YOU, KEEP GOING TIL YOU SEE ??????????????????????????? THE YELLOW "BUY NOW" BUTTON! ?????????????????????? ?TO ORDER THE E-BOOK DOWNLOAD: ? ??????????????????????????? ? ???????????????????????????? Back To Life!? copyright, 2008 ???????????????????????????????????????? $17.95 USD-Ebook Download ???????????????????????????????? ?Use Credit Card or PayPal to order: ??????????? STOP! THIS LINK HERE IS FOR EBOOK DOWNLOAD ??????????????????? IF YOU WANT THE PAPER BOOK MAILED ????????????????????????? TO YOU, GO BELOW THE LINE ?????????????????????????? ??? ????????????????????????? THIS LINK IS FOR EBOOK DOWNLOAD! ???????????????????????????????? GO BELOW FOR PAPER BOOK ?????? ???? TO ORDER THE HARD COPY TO BE MAILED TO YOUxx x ? ? ? ? ?? ??? ? $19.95 USD ?(We ship worldwide) ? No P.O. Boxes, please ? We have had most excellent feedback on this Guidebook... for it's practical lessons, unique insights, coping strategies... and strong message of hope for the future. We know you will find it useful... whether you choose the ebook or paperback form. Get started on the road to grief recovery today! ? ?????????????????????? ? Problems ordering or downloading the e-Book? Problems ordering the hard copy? Let us know at Tech Support. We'll make it right! ? Contact us here ?for instructions in paying by check or money order. ? RETURN FROM HEARTBROKEN FROM GRIEF TO HOME PAGE "Recover-from-grief.com" is copyright ? and trademark, 2007-2011 Recover-from-grief.com SBI! ? ? ? ?????????? GENUINE ?UNCOMPENSATED? ? ?? TESTIMONIALS? "Bless you, Jennie, for your Grief Guidebook. You have no idea how much this book has helped me. I lost my Mother to a virulant form of Cancer 4 months ago and I have been searching for answers ever since. Each Chapter seems like it was written just 4 me. What a beautiful, inspiring book! After going through the workbook, I realize that I am not alone, that all of my feelings are normal and expected. I could not understand why my mother's death hit me so hard, as she was 68.? I understand now that grief can be hard to predict and that almost all people go through what I am going through.I have found a lot of comfort and knowledge in your Guide and just wanted to let you know. Keep on with your good work, Jennie. ??? ---Amy R.,? Suffolk, U.K. Hello JennieThank you very much for the copy of your book, it was an extremely helpful insight into grief.? I purchased? your book to try and educate myself about grief. I had been dating a very lovely man who is a widower, we began to date about 8 months after the death of his wife and he seemed to be dealing with his grief, but in fact he was not.Your book gave me insight into what he was going through and how he was failing to deal with the grief. I was able to see that he was ignoring it and filling his life with other things such as renovations, multiple vacations, buying a sports car. As long as he was running in ten directions the grief could not catch him. Through your book I realized that our relationship was failing and there was nothing that I could do, it was not about me at all. The best thing I could do for both of us was to give him the copy of your book and explain that he needed to be still and work his way through it and that he needed to do that without me. It was a difficult decision but the right one for both of us in the end. I lost a sibling ten years ago and your book was dead on the money about the stages of grief and how it is necessary to work through it in order to bring peace and joy back into your life without feeling guilty. Once again thank you for your helpful insight. ?Julie Robertson, California ? "We just wanted to write to let you to know how helpful we find your Grief Guidebook. We lost our precious little boy, Cody last year in a car crash. Although the car was only going about 20 mph, Cody's head hit the window and he was killed instantly from the impact. This has been so hard for us, but we have found a lot of support through our many friends at our church. And we rely on prayer. I just have to believe that God will show us the way out of our troubles. I found your site one night while obsessively searching for grief websites and I think it is the best one I could find, very informative and a gentle place to explore. I emailed you about what a great site I thought it was, and you sent me a free copy of "Back to Life". We have truly found the book to be even more useful then even your website is. The lessons on guilt and anger brought my husband and I to a discussion about Cody and what happened that horrible day of the crash. We each had resentments that the other did not know about, and we talked it all out one night. We have truly benefited from your guide and highly recommend it for anyone stuck in a complicated grief like we seemed to be. There is hope for the future, we know that, and pray that we will find peace one day. Thank you so much for your helpful guidebook." ? ~Thomas & Nikki LeBlanc, ???? New Orleans, La.? ?????????? GENUINE ?UNCOMPENSATED? ? ?? TESTIMONIALS ?"Your grief book has given me courage! Thank you!" ? -S.B, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA "Got your book today and it is amazing. You are a special lady to write it. I applied on Monday for a job at Hospice and wanted some reference books anyway - we really have many losses to grieve in our lives and your book is so simple and yet profound in the way that really touched me."? Thanks, marylou? "Dear Jennie, I received this information last night, have looked through it, and am excited to get started on this journey. I would like to order some copies of this: first for my three children and second for two co-workers. I will pay whatever it costs. As a nurse, when I find something of this quality and I feel its benefits are so valuable...I like to share! I admit, I was skeptical because there is so much on the internet that is crap, but this is awesome. Thank You for doing what you do," Billie Jo Gunter? "We lost our beautiful daughter, Amber LeAnn, twoyears ago. She drowned in the pool during the Easter egg hunt. There were a lot of kids over and no one realized she was missing until it was too late. Amber was able to help 13 other people live by donating her tissues and organs. Though that has helped us some, we will never be the same since we lost her. My husband and I have been through grief counseling and even attended a grief support group for several months. It helped, but really wasn't the answer for us, we are private people. A copy of your grief guide was given to us by our Pastor. We have found it to be very helpful and have both read it cover to cover. I found Chapter 18, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, has really helped me to put aside my grief long enough to get back to work and give more time and attention to our other children. The guide is just so well written and comforting, and it gives me hope that this horrible grief will end in the near future. I did not understand the grief cycles and how the process really works until I visited your website and read this guide. I think everyone who has lost a loved one could benefit from it. Thanks for writing it." ? ~India Gibbs,? Scottsdale, Arizona? "Dear Jennie, I just read my copy of Back To Life and want you to know how deeply grateful I am. Thank you for writing this tender, thoughtful and courageous book. I am a fairly young widow (age 53) of 18 months, having lost my husband of 21 years in 2010. I am in a complicated grief process. Thank you for offering a way through that with the guided imagery technique. I had used this technique in the past, but forgotten about it. The way you described it was spot-on, and just perfect to open the door for a new way for people to change. I am going to send your book to several family members, including my Mom, who just lost her beloved husband (my step Dad). I will suggest your book for my Beyond Loss grief group. So, THANK YOU! from my heart to yours. And thank you for the website and eCourse. It is just wonderful and a blessing. Please tell me the book discount for ordering more than 6 copies? Thanks!" Many blessings, Colo Mom ? ? ?

Source: http://jenniegcc.cbfeed.com/?id=12241216&cbid=paraleks&tid=tweet

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