Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays! Blogs All Around ? The Home Depot Foundation Blog

As part of the second annual Celebration of Service, The Home Depot Foundation joined bloggers specializing in military affairs, do-it-yourself projects, and home improvement to spread the word about the need for safe and comfortable homes for veterans and their families. This year, these veteran families had not only a safe place to call home ? they had a safe and extra special place to call home for the holidays. With family, friends and holiday cheer, these veterans received home visits from the bloggers themselves who helped them decorate with the help of Team Depot and Operation Homefront. Check out a few of the blogs below:

Lovely Crafty Home ? Celebration of Service 2012, In Summary

Rachael, an ?avid DIY-er who loves doing household projects, crafty things, and entertaining friends,? participated in seven projects as part of the 2012 Celebration of Service. Celebration of Service 2012, In Summary is a compilation of her coverage of each event that culminated with her holiday visit to a veteran?s family home in North Carolina.

D?cor Chick ? Celebration of Service: Hometown Visit

Emily has ?always loved to decorate? but now has ?found passion for it, on a budget.? She and her family visited a veteran family near her hometown in Texas to help them decorate for the holidays. This blog details Emily?s time spent with the family, representatives from Operation Homefront, and store associates of The Home Depot.

Witty Little Secret ? Good and Strong ? Home Depot and Operation Homefront Team Up to Visit Local Military?Family

Lori, an attorney and military wife from Washington State, details her final Celebration of Service project in Good and Strong. This blog is filled with holiday decorating, family time and interesting stories.

From North Carolina across the country to Washington State and back down south to Texas, bloggers from all over the United States had different experiences with veterans and their families. But one idea remained consistent across them all ? an appreciation for veterans and everything they have done to serve our country. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa, a blanket, and cozy up for some quality holiday reading. Check out some of the other bloggers we also worked with on Celebration of Service including 24/7 Moms, Beneath My Heart, Brown Paper Packages, In My Own Style, Military Avenue, My Repurposed Life, Not Just a Housewife, The Handmade Home and The New Normal.


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