Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do You Re?Member What's Important? | Musings by Candlelight ...


Many years ago a colleague spoke of re-membering .. the act of bringing back to yourself all the significant stories of love, hope, resilience and blessing from your life. ?Kind of like putting yourself back together ? this time highlighting what is really important to you.

At this time of year re-membering is happening all around us. ?Days are filled with traditions stringing this year to each year before. ?The other night I found myself listening to childhood Christmas songs and standing in front of our tree. The living room was lit only by the little white lights carefully woven on each branch ? a task I do each year to honor a friend whose life was cut short. ?Just as I had done the year before and the year before that, I carefully hung ornaments on the tree. ?There are the ornaments from the first years of each of our children?s lives. ?There are the little instruments, ballet slippers, ice skates, snow boards, surf boards, fishing poles, tents and kayaks ? all symbolizing something one of the kids were into as their life and interests unfolded. ?But my favorite ornaments are the pictures from each year .. each child, each age and stage ? the goofy hair, the braces, the face smeared with berries, the graduation, the girlfriend or boyfriend, the puppy. ?Re-membering.

This year, I pray you will take the time to re-member your life. ?Let yourself feel all the important stories that speak of your love and devotion to your family, to your friends, to what is right and beautiful in this life. Nothing is more important or urgent in this time ? no gift, no task, no ?should?. Feel your heart swell with gratefulness and blessing. ?This is the gift of Christmas ? it is a reminder that what is most precious is already among and within us.

Here is one of my favorite quotes that says it all better than I ever could ?

?Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.?? ?-Frederick Buechner

Tina Schermer Sellers is a recognized scholar in the integration of spirituality into a multitude of areas represented in family and career life. As a behavioral scientist, licensed family therapist, medical family therapist, and certified sex therapist, she specializes in helping to craft relationships, organizations and lives that flourish. In the area of sexuality, Tina has spent a career helping people discover what culture has failed to teach them about their bodies, their hearts, their capacity for intimacy and their erotic potential.

Source: http://blog.tinaschermersellers.com/2012/12/17/do-you-re-member-whats-important/

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